A very Rylde Christmas

Day 2,226, 22:44 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

So what happens when a couple of drunks trade gold packs on christmas eve?

Alot of Sh*t gets given away in the holiday spirit of course.

Its wartime and its christmas time. Seems like a perfect combo to arm the country in the name of my all loving idol war and bloodshed.

Any Canadian citizen can post below and receive 10 Q7 Tanks up until this article is taken down around boxing day. Stating your vote number is lame btw.

I may not be well liked or respected by alot of people these days with my negative attitude and tell it how i see it personality but I enjoy the game and the extra relationships I've formed even if all of them have there rocky patches during my bat Sh*t crazy phases.

Never let it be said I'm not a proud eCanadian even if i have to shoot a few of you in the face to prove it every once in awhile.

Thx to Tem for trusting an indian to trade gold packs with.

MDP for putting up with my BullSh*t

and the rest of eCanada for putting up with my bullshit. {because you have a choice lmao}.

Last but not least mary chan for not edivorcing me after requesting nude asian elf photo's.

Merry Christmas and be safe.