A Response to the Thai President on Billy Bright.

Day 611, 15:13 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Brian Boru

Albert Neurath, it is Billy Bright who is guilty of intolerance and bigotry, not the members of the British People's Communist Party.

You describe the situation inside the United Kingdom as close to Stalin's USSR.
This is simply not the case, as the supposed "persecution" is not persecution at all, it is heated and justified criticism of Billy Bright's policies and character.

While the charge of traitor is unjustified, the charges of bigot and racist are thoroughly and completely justified. This has nothing to do with the fact that Billy Bright disagrees with them, I disagree with them and I am not called a racist or a bigot. It is absolutely to do with his politics and character.

Billy Bright is a self-proclaimed member of the British Nationalist Party in reality, a party that wishes to deport all foreigners, wishes to ethnically cleanse the UK, end "segregation" in Ireland by reinvading and a number of other racist policies. He is also a supporter of the unionist terrorist organisation the Ulster Defence Association. The RL British Government itself defines the UDA as a terrorist group.

You speak about free speech as if Billy Bright has a complete pass to say what he wants without being criticised for his views. You are a complete hypocrite for thinking so. We have every right to criticise him, and we are in no way censoring him for doing so.