A response to Free Market Principles

Day 740, 10:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru
"Free Market Principles, that is to say the absence of the State in Company ownership, would invigorate our Country."

Despite the opinion of Dan, state intervention has saved our country where the free market would have failed completely. The idea that companies are going to employ brand new players successfully is ridiculous in the face of established facts. New players are simply not productive enough to be profitable.

The jobs would simply not be there for new players if we left it to the market.
It is the duty of the state to train these players up, or else risk losing them immediately.

"The problem is if a private company can manage Zero level workers effectively they can create long term work habits. With State Companies the worker is kicked out of employment after the Second level, making the worker less loyal. A worker who is less loyal usually leaves the Emerald Isle to get that loyalty from another Country entirely."

This is pure speculation.

First of all, a private company cannot manage zero skill level workers effectively.
Secondly, worker loyalty is established by a fair wage proportional to product prices, not when you started working. Workers should feel no guilt over abandoning a company that does not provide that.
Lastly, there is no evidence that links low-skill state jobs to emigration. I'm sure there are a few cases, but I link most emigration to a lack of real political and military contest in this country.

"I know it sounds bad for the State company manager, but in a Game that allows for free will, why must we bash our heads to fit some sort of preconceived notion that Socialism is the right course."

It sounds even worse for the new players.
An aversion to socialism being an excuse to screw over new players is frankly irresponsible.

Brian Boru,