A Plead for a Fair Go!

Day 904, 16:39 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

Hi all,

This short article calls the people of eAus to a life of some sanity and Fair go for all.
I am a part owner of a company and have been in business for at least half of my eLife and have seen the ups and downs of the economy over several terms.
Recently i have seen a worrying trend of people working below 90+ wellness and sometimes working even below 80+ wellness.
With wages so ridiculously high and most companies losing money in an effort to 'retain workers' i am calling on some sanity and decency from the eAus community.


With the wages most skilled and non skilled players are receiving is it too much to expect you buy yourself some higher quality food or some gifts you can give to yourself via an org or asking another player to gift you?
It is annoying and frustrating for company owners who employ people who constantly lose you money if you employ them and they do not work with a wellness above 90.
So please, please, please can we help each other out by doing our part. RAISE YOUR WELLNESS TO ABOVE 90+!!!
Thanks for listening, i am sure your boss will appreciate it and may even give you a raise if you keep it up ;P
If you cannot manage your wellness properly, DO NOT work in a company higher than Q1 or Q2.
Peace people and take care