A Lesson on the Law for Nith

Day 807, 17:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

This article is a response to "Are the guns greener on the other side?".

Among the other rather outlandish opinions in Nith's article, such as accusing two members of your parliament of withholding gold for the government, there was an accusation of unconstitutionality.

"Is this all constitutional? Is it RIGHT to willingly collaborate and oppose the Dail, even after a vote has succesfully passed?"

Nith claims these opinions to be educated assumptions, but I'm afraid where the law is concerned, they are decidedly uneducated ones.

4.3 All Teachtaí Dála can purpose Legislation with regards to government policies.

Opposing government policy is allowed by the law.
There is no provision in either the Q5 proposal or the Constitution that places a time limit on the creation of the Q5 weapons company.

There is no unconstitutional action to be found here.

Final Wor😛
Does Ireland need Q5 weapons?
Given what word I've been given on recent proposals, it is likely.

However, this does not justify irrational and ill-thought attacks on Teachtaí Dála without evidence.
This sort of behaviour is worthy of barbarians, but not citizens of a civilised country.
Ireland, get your act together.