A Free Scotland with the SNP

Day 3,403, 01:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grogu.

Vote for me and I will press for a Free Scotland.

Members of the SNP today vote for me and our future will look green.
I will legalize cannabis and let everyone get high for a small prince(that's me), not only that I will remove vat on cigs and drink.Eat drink smoke and be merry.

So join Sambo and I as we fight for injustice north of the boarder.

We the Scots are proud people and no longer want to be dictated too by Westminster,and a fruitcake like apples.

Vote for freedom and If we lose we will ask for another referendum then again and again till we have the result you want and we want .

If I obtain 4 or votes today this will give me and the SNP the mandate we need to keep our banner flying in the eUK.

A voice for Scotland but more importantly a voice for me.

SNP forever

Vote Prince Harry
Vote Change
Vote For a yellow logo
Vote Freedom
Vote SNP
Vote Me

Hail Scotland