31 Reason To Leave eRepublik

Day 1,531, 06:31 Published in Cyprus USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA
1 Slovenia produced a national hero finally and named it such as Ice Killa.

2 Serbia has no bonus

3 Vardarska doesn't push the wall up to 99% in drain RWS as much as old times.

4 ONE.HQ forgot to open official articles against Smeeski Againski

5 Iran understood that no Alliance left not licked right now.

6 Fyrov got that Yunanistan word means Ionia-land and it includes Macedonia too.

7 Gamer-X website delivered the 2011 awards and Golden one went to Culture Ministry of Fyrov due to their giant impressive effort on eRepublik's improvement.

8 Levos Dumilic (Levent Dummuzi) has become the Serbian SC

9 Failmex didn't lose a battle with +55.000k damage

10 Vingaer is looking for someone instead Durruti

11 India decided to go in Fyrov to realize their obsessive goal indirectly

12 This game includes moustached girls

13 Plataucesku completed his Ferrari collection

14 In Soviet Russia Gold buys you

15 None knows where is the south of southern pole

16 Love is nothing without fu..ing

17 Girls understood what offside area mean actually

18 The next rank after GOW*** is being released as Mother of God of WAR

19 Justin Bieber decided to play eRepublik

20 In soviet Russia fock you

21 To be a mice in Transformice is cooler than to be Ice Killa

22 Good news is in 40.000 years the Voyager I will reach the closest star and the Bad news is life exists there too and Gold is valued material for them while the Voyager I has been carrying a Golden Disque on what there is a detailed info about where we live and what we have got.

23 A new Titanic movie is on the way for Children in which the Ship sailed to the New York harbour

24 I love you less than you can imagine

25 In Soviet Russia dark face of the Moon sees you

26 French is not quite sexy language when you swear

27 Even if you ask your GF to bring saline it sounds so rude in German

28 If you put the empty battery into the fridge 2 months later you can use it again and this time it won't give a shit again.

29 In Soviet Russia women pays for you

30 Evolution is existing

31 INCI is above all