2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Kaffee und Kuchen Summary - 17 September, Thursday

Day 667, 05:52 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Kaffee und Kuchen from Germany!

The DoD Battle Orders say to hold fire.
If you have to fight now, fight in Missouri, although that battle appears to be well in hand.

For three days we've been hearing rumors of a Russian attack on Florida, combined with PEACE attacks on key regions in many of our allies. That attack has yet to materialize, but is still expected. The DoD and Aeros believes they will attack just before Erep's reset time. This will allow Russian, east European and Indonesian players to fight (and heal) easily twice in the same battle, but not North American players. The reset is midnight Erep, which corresponds to midnight in California, 3:00 AM on the east coast, so the only way we could heal twice in the same battle is to get back up out of bed in the middle of the night (like a real soldier!).

It's also possible Florida is too expensive, and the Russians will make for California. Or maybe Kentucky for the moonshine!

The DoD also cautions us (again!) against fighting against Colombia. They believe we should now have the initiative against Colombia by a last second retreat (in Kansas) and win (in Colorado). However, initiative was not given and an appeal has been made to the gods. Hopefully they will agree, if you have any special admin-gods prayers, now's the time!

There also seems to be some confusion about our allies. Iran declared war on Canada, presumably to block Canada from attacking Hungary, so Hungary could go on the offense against the USA or Canada (weird huh?). If you check eGobba's world map, Iran holds the Yukon and Northwest Territories in Canada.
However ... Iran somehow failed to start a battle, and Canada immediately attacked the Yukon, thereby gaining the initiative! *doh* What was the president of Iran thinking?

What's really going on? An asshole Captain doesn't know, and I'm not sure the bigheads in the Pentagon do right now, because the bigheads in Russia and other PEACE countries forgot to tell us.

Before heading out for kaffee und kuchen (a wonderful German tradition!), I want to offer a special and personal congratulations to my favorite (green!) congresswoman Astra Kat G, who has been named the #1 hottest eBabe!! And a special thanks to the other top 10 babes for posting their real pictures ... we hope.