2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Kaffee Summary - 18 September, Friday

Day 668, 04:15 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Well, all you 2-clickers (and other trollers 😉 ), as Astra Kat G put it, we are still waiting to exhale. The rumors of a Russian attack on Florida still swirl around us, but nothing has materialized so far.

The DoD Battle Orders still say to hold fire ... waiting to see if Russia does ... "something". Whatever something is 🙂.

In his Defense Intel Review, Aeros dissects the PEACE plan, which seems to have fallen apart. Iran (a PEACE nitwit) declared war on Canada, then forgot to attack. Hungary (a dominant PEACE member) was supposed to attack Croatia, but is still blocked by Canada. And Portugal, nominally part of PEACE, signed the peace treaty with the USA, showing character and courage. Aeros passed on rumors that Russia planned to attack Florida at 23:30 erep time (2:30 EDT), but that never materialized.

Our best bro, Canada, jumped on the mistake by Iran to attack, and take, the Yukon. The Yukon borders Canada's Northwest Territories, which is controlled by Iran and has been beefed up with 860 (very cold!) citizens, a Q5 hospital and a Q5 defense system. Oh yeah, it has diamonds too! That will not be an easy take if Canada decides to go for it.

Russia is currently attacking Utah and Louisiana. With 30 minutes to go, looks like we will win Utah, so Russia is not making much progress. To be fair, neither are they trying very hard. We still have the concern of Russia obtaining a border with Colombia, which they would gain by winning Louisiana. Nobody who knows anything has told me nothin', but I'm betting Louisiana will be our priority if Russia doesn't move on Florida.

The 2-clicker is part of the American Media Mogul Project. This is an endeavor to use newspapers to raise money for resistance wars against PEACE across the globe. Please, subscribe to the newspapers listed to help them win a Media Mogul Medal. Every newspaper editor on their list has already donated 5 Gold to the cause of restoring peace to the world by destroying PEACE.