2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 22 September, Tuesday

Day 672, 05:26 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Attack, attack, attack!!

In the last 24 hours of the war with Russia, the USA has liberated Connecticut, Wyoming and South Dakota and we are currently attacking:
Mississippi, and
The Iowa battle looks well in hand (-263,000 in the underground) and the Mississippi and Tennessee battles won't be over until late tonight and early tomorrow.

France stopped attacking, so the USA has gone on the offensive and we are currently attacking
Delaware and
West Virginia. Both are already deep in the underground.

The DoD Battle Orders say to fight in Mississippi until the damage is at -150,000, then attack West Vriginia (France). As of this morning, the damage in Mississippi is at 17,156, so we still have lots of fighting to do.

Desertfalcon has some interesting strategic thoughts in his Global Defense Report. I don't really understand the rules about MPPs (Mutual Protection Pacts) and when they are "activated", but they definitely affect the strategic situation.

Igno Castilho, in his Eagle Times, and
Lieutenant Scheisskopf, in his Stars and Stripes Journal, give a lot of insights in the sociological aspects of this war.

To summarize, before the war, the USA was disorganized and had almost no cooperation with our allies. Citizens fought where and when they wanted, and ignored the government's requests. When PEACE attacked, our damage was sprayed around ineffectively in all directions and they rolled us up all the way to two states, NJ and FL, then finally just FL. In desparation, we slowly came together, started obeying the DoD battle orders, started coordinating with our allies, and in the past two weeks have become a formidable force. From my perspective, we are winning the war through:
1) Unity with our allies
2) Unity among our forces
3) A huge number of 2-clicker mid-level players who determine battles, sometimes despite the huge tanks


and most importantly:


I suggest it's time to offer a treaty to PEACE on OUR terms: If Russia and France return the regions they occupy, and provide reparations in GOLD for the unwarranted attacks and destruction of our infrastructure, then we will promise to not attack their home countries for a period of time. Specific gold and amount of time can be determined.

One thing to remember: This is a war game and without wars, what are we doing? Total peace would probably not be very interesting.

A suggestion (assuming we succeed in kicking PEACE out of North America) is to help other countries reclaim their territories from PEACE. China and India, for examples, have several regions under occupation. Maybe we could help reclaim S Korea?

Whatever, I'm just an asshole, non-politician Captain, what do I know? We've got a war to win--OFF TO MISSISSIPPI!!