2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 21 September, Monday

Day 671, 05:38 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

eRepublik weather report on the North American front: Sunny and clear!

If you missed the weekend, we had a dramatic turn of events in the war when the USA gained the initiative on Russia and Colombia! France tried a counter in the mid-Atlantic states, but was not able to stop our advances on Russian-held states.

In the last 24 hours, the USA liberated Alabama from Russia and
Arkansas from Russia

The USA liberated New Mexico and
Texas in liberation wars: Colombia is no longer on USA soil!

The official DoD position is that France is currently a distraction. They conquered Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, and most recently, France conquered DC. The first priority, however, is Russia. After pushing Russia out of the USA, we will probably turn our attention to France.

We are currently fighting Russia in Connecticut, Wyoming and South Dakota. We have Connecticut and Wyoming deep in the underground (our winning zone), so they seem well in hand.

The DoD Battle Orders say to fight in Wyoming and, very importantly, do not fight in French battles.

Once again, we can hope to have all of the North American regions in the hands of the rightful owners: Canada and the USA!