2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 20 September, Sunday

Day 670, 07:15 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 20 September, Sunday

Wow!! Hold on to your spinning hats ... the war has turned again!!!

When I got back to the US and checked the erep status, my head spun in several circles!

Thanks to a mistake by Colombia, the USA has gained the initiative in the war against Cololumbia, and regained the initiative against Russia! Not surprisingly, we immediately went on the offensive against both Colombia and Russia. France tried to block us (who, France?) by attacking Delaware (huh??), but President Gaius Julius immediately retreated to keep the offensive against Colombia and Russia. (If we are under attack by France, we cannot start other attacks). Okay, why France? Well, they are part of PEACE. After wiping out Canada, Canada used resistance wars to reclaim their territories and eventually pushed France out of North America. But ... you ask ... why Delaware? I was surprised at that, but checked the details on Delaware and it turns out that it has a border with France. Guess they snuck a couple of submarines up to the coast!

So ... what's going on?

Colombia's role in this war was to keep the USA on the defensive by constantly attacking. Russia has been funding each battle (remember that the attacker has to spend gold to start each battle). Yesterday the battle in Nebraska finished, the USA held, and Colombia forgot to start another attack! So the USA immediately jumped on the chance and started attacking. All hail President Gaius Julius! If Emerick has internet in his RL jail cell, I'm sure he's chearing the loudest.

So where are we now? It's been pretty dizzifying, and even poor old eGobba can't keep up. Don't be surprised if I leave a few battles out 🙂.

The US is currently fighting in Arkansass and
Alabama. We are -205,000 into the underground in Arkansas so it looks like that battle is ours.
In the last 24 hours, Russia conquered Colorado and Missouri, but the USA reconquered Missouri, then liberated Illinois from Russia, but Russia held onto Tennessee.

Meanwhile, against Colombia, the USA liberated Oklahoma after securing Nebraska.
We also successfully liberated Kansas and
Texas through resistance wars. We currently have no open battles against Colombia, probably to ensure that we focus our energies on the main foe: Russia.

The PEACE counter-attack was through France, who conquered Delaware and Maryland. In both battles, the USA retreated to keep the initiative on Russia and Colombia. As of this writing, France has not attacked again since the Maryland battle ended yesterday at 5:00PM erep time (8:00 PM EDT). Dunno why, maybe they realized the strategy was hopeless? The "trading 3-pointers for 1 free throw" technique that Emerick used against Colombia and Russia seems to be successful against blocking.

Oh yeah, we also have three ongoing resistance wars in New Mexico, Texas, and Montana.

We have a new article by President Gaius Julius.

Oh yeah, did I remember to mention that Canada liberated the Northwest Territories? It was a terrific battle and we should all cheer our best Bros in Canada (and the US militeray forces who flew in to help).

So in 24 hours, our burning question went from "when will Russia attack Florida and can we hold?" to "how long will it take us to drive Russia out of North America?". Personally, I like that question better 🙂.