2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 15 September, Tuesday

Day 665, 07:19 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The DoD Battle Orders say fight in Arkansas, then Indiana, emphasizing that we want to prevent Russia and Colombia from getting a border. If they do, then Colombia can turn over all of the regions they occupy to Russia.
This article is slow today (after 7:00am erep time), and we have already won Arkasas, so we can turn our attention to Indiana. Russia has also attacked Louisiana and Missouri, but the DoD orders explicitly say that Missouri is secure and we should not waste our fights there.

Several articles last night rumored that Russia would attack Florida today (starting around midnight erep time last night). This was mentioned in the DoD Orders, Lieutenant Scheisskopf's Stars and Stripes Journal, and
Aeros' Defense Intel Review. The rumors may have been planted as a ruse to scare us (US?!? SCARED??!? NEVER!!!!), or perhaps postponed while Russia organizes the attack. In any event, be prepared. If Russia seriously thinks it can take Florida, it will be the mother of all battles in eRepublik!

Astra Kat G (for green), in her Shining in the Darkness, said that two Senator's accounts were hacked yesterday (EvanTheAwesome and Cpttom1), who were robbed and forced to resign. The hacker spoke Russian and tried to donate 50,000 USD to a fake Congressional Budget Office, but it appears the theft was not successful.

Remember that today is Party President Election Day. Go vote!

I'll be in Germany (RL) the rest of the week, so my articles will either be real early (coffee time in Germany is about midnight erep), late, or possibly non-existant. Remember to follow the the DoD Battle Orders and KICK SOME RUSSIAN BOOTY!!