2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 14 September, Monday

Day 664, 06:02 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Our new president has posted his Inaugural Address. Dunno why I didn't see it on CNN last night.

A problem with the DoD Battle Orders ... they sometimes edit an old article with new orders. When they edit an old article, the new orders are not pushed out to subscribers. Editing an old article saves time, but it's important to copy and paste reusable text into a new article so the loyal citizens can GET the orders!

Many players digging around looking for yesterday's postings for an update, but I bet a lot of 2-clickers do not. Hence, they don't obey the battle orders because they don't know them. Could this be why we lost NJ and IL, and thus the initiative in the war against Russia?

Yesterday the Battle Orders sent us to Croatia, where in a battle deep into overtime, we were able to help our allies in Croatia hold off Hungary. It was refreshing to spend a day in Europe, although I'm back to be back in the US today. (I think the jetlag weakened my attack.) It was also an important win for the USA and our allies as Hungary went all out in the attack.

This morning, we are fighting Russia in Alabama, Mississippi, Nebraska and Wyoming. Yesterday we held onto Missouri and Wisconsin, but lost South Dakota and Tennessee.
The battles are fast and furious, plus resistance wars are breaking out all over, making it hard to keep track of who has what. eGobba's map shows that Russia holds 7 USA states (South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, New Jersey and Connecticut), Colombia has 3 (Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma), and Hungary holds 4 (Washington, Montana, North Dakota and Alaska). We hold the rest. At this point in the game, Florida is the only key state. PEACE probably can't take it because of the overwhelming cost, and can't end the war without it. So we could run back and forth across the continent like this for months.

Although I have a moral problem with PTOs in general, I promised one of my readers, John A Kelly, I would publicize his interesting plans with Colombia (not Columbia!).

Good history of the current world war with PEACE in Aeros' Defense Intel Review.

One more thing ... I ask everyone to vote up Astra Kat's suggestion. Congress needs this simple addition.

Somebody also asked about my name, so I will tell all. The real Zheng He was an early 15th century Chinese explorer who visited all over the south of Asia, India, and Africa. I thought a historical explorer would be a role model for this game.
Gavin Menzies has also proposed a theory that Zheng He found America 70 years before Columbus. In real life I was born in Kentucky and live in Virginia, but I have family connections in China