2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 12 September, Saturday

Day 662, 05:59 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Adios and good fortune, Prez!

Okay folks, hang on to your coffee because a lot happened ... The political earthquake was that President Emerick has resigned. Goodbye and thanks for all the fish, Emerick the Glorious Reader! He led us back from the brink of oblivion and kept us smiling and laughing all the while. The resignation has nothing to do with the game, but his real life (remember his autobiography? "I don't have a life"). I guess he got one and I hope it's good.

Gaius Julius has been appointed president (from secretary of state). The transition of power seems to be well orchestrated and going smoothly. (Unlike a certain PEACE country, which was thrown into disarray when its president was perma-banned for cheating!)

In the war ... please follow the DoD Battle Orders!!! Ignore Colombia and focus on Russia.

Again ... if we had all ignored Colombia, Russia would be no more and we would easiliy be mopping up Colombia by now. Instead, we wasted an enormous amount of fighting in a distraction.

In the fighting ... Three battles against Russia ended early this morning:
Russia reconquered Kentucky,
USA saved Indiana,
and Russia reconquered Iowa.
These battles ended between 3:45 and 4:15 am erep time. This timing makes it hard for the USA to tank at the last minute because most of us are asleep. The USA looked to be winning all three battles when I went to bed last night, but PEACE must have saved their heavy hitting until later.

Russia subsequently attacked Wisconsin, Tennessee and south Dakota. The Wisonsin battle will end shortly before midnight erep time, but the other two will end very early morning, again making it hard for us to be in at the end.

Colombia is wasting Russia's gold, its goodwill, our patience, and unfortunately, some of our battle damage. I won't even report the battles except to say they can't win any battles if we actually fight.

We were also able to liberate Rhode Island from Russia in a resistance war. Great job for starting and being the hero, Deniz Khasari!

Busy day! Remember that Russia is spending enormous amounts of gold on its battles, and also funding Colombia's attacks (each attack costs a big pile of gold). Meanwhile, all us eUSA 2-clickers are all leveling up, getting promoted and getting stronger every day. I would never have made Captain and level 17 so quickly without this war, and it definitely feels good to buy weapons and throw 200+ damage points against the enemy! (Ok, you tanks out there, please don't laugh at an asshole Captain 🙂 ).

The current DoD Battle Orders say to DEFEND WISCONSIN!