2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 10 September, Thursday

Day 660, 06:10 Published in USA USA by Zheng He
Emerick's "3-pointers for foul shots" strategy

As Aeros put it in his Defense Intel Review, USA launches Blitzkrieg across North America!

When I checked eGobba's map last night, I was shocked at how much light blue (eUSA!) I saw and how little dark blue (Russia). As of 6:00 erep time this morning, Russia only holds Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachussets.
We liberated Indiana for the Hoosiers,
and the battles to liberate Connecticut
and Massachusetts seem well in hand.
With attacks underway on
Illinois and
New Jersey, we may kick Russia completely out of North America within the next 24 hours! The only place where Russia and its allies seem to have put up a significant fight so far is Illinois. Last night we were deep in the underground, but overnight Russia pushed us back into no man's land. It's worth noting that New Jersey also has a huge wall (114,000) so will be hard to liberate. I guess our problem is that it has a large population (1183 citizens), so in effect we are fighting against ourselves in terms of the eUSA citizens who refused to relocated out of NJ. This is looking to be the hardest day of our attacks on our Russian-held states.

It's clear that PEACE's tactic of using Columbia to block us has been a complete failure. Their idea was that when they attacked our region, we couldn't attack a Russian-held region. But Emerick's counter-strategy has proved to be brilliant: As soon as we are ready to attack another Russian-held region, he retreats the region Columbia is attacking, then attacks 2 or 3 more Russian-held regions. Since we're rolling up these regions with ease, we're trading 3 pointers for single foul shots and rolling up the midwest and now new england!

Columbia has no allies, so once we're ready, we can win any attack, gain the initiative, and push them right back out. After the craven actions of Mexico, I would certainly support sweeping through Mexico all the way to Columbia. But that's for the future ... eGobba's map also reminds me that Hungary still holds North Dakota, Montana, Washington, Alaska, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nunavut.

Today is Thursday. I predict Russia will be out of NorthAm by mid-day Friday, Columbia by Saturday morning, and Hungary by the end of the weekend.

VERY IMPORTANT!: The DoD Battle Orders very clearly tell us to *not* waste our fights against Columbia right now.
Fight Russia in Illinois!