10.02.2012 Cyprus Ambassador Report

Day 1,543, 16:14 Published in Russia USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA

Privetstvie Tavarishch

Daragie grazhdane Rassii, eta statya byla napisana, shtoby saabshchit mayei strany a paslednix navastyax, Imenna paetomu ya budu ispolzovat angliskiy yazyk.
Spasiba za vashe ponimanie.

To the Government & People of Cyprus

As being an Ambassador this is my first day in Russia, in order to provide a better connection between our countries.
At first i need to tell that I was welcomed very warmly and our interlocutors are very enthusiastic to work with us. It looks like a good start and a promising feature for the possibility of realizing the common goals.
Well i would like to inform you that the most active topics are about ongoing Russian-Polish war today in Russian media. One of those topic was written by the Russian CP: MVP24, at this article there is a public voting poll to get a decision on Polish issue, they are voting to decide to ceasefire or not.
The most important comments that i observed are about Turkish-Russian MPP possibility in order to give more pressure on Poland.
By the way, it's quite visible that Russia will need a huge Allied damage if they get agreed on sustaining the war.

The report has been completed.

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin - Ambassador of Cyprus -
