[VP] Unite us in a cause

Day 2,154, 03:57 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I'm a piss poor VP for Addy as everything has been civic and international dealings. I read PM after PM of this and that and I have no opinion to offer because eerything I would say on the subject is inferior or already suggested and discussed. Not my cup of tea obviously as my strengths are war and tactical fighting.
Especially when my credintials and experience listings are "Fortune favours the Bold" and "Better to have fought and lost than to have fought at all".

Yeah i don't have much to offer.

But one thing.

Were an occupied country and best to keep our troops on there toes by giving them a MPP cause to rally to. I feel it will create some unity and see if we can turn the tide somewhere on the international stage.

Cause soon when were prepared were going to try and free ourselves. Train the citizens in organized warfare during downtime.

Create excitement...

Pick a campaign for one of our allies as were laying low with wars and lets unleash the beast to show Canada has some fight in it.

Absorb some donations get a tank supply channel going and lets go the extra mile for someone.

Its just an idea but no warfare brings boredom and no one wants that as it inspires to much that is bad in this country.

I've always been a stern believer in bringing the populous entertainment as a leader. It might not always be first priority but it should be one of the top 2.

Canada thrives on fighting for the little guy as were one ourselves.