[ULJ] For Tomorrow

Day 1,151, 09:41 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

I wrote another article today about my thoughts on current events, but there is something else I wish to speak about.

For a little over a year, I've been a member of the United Lolies of Japan. Since then, the party has been through ups and downs. From a great start where we were full of energy, we lost momentum over the course of last year. The party was PTOed and many members left. But then it was reclaimed and Presidents Inno-chan, Akira Kaburagi and now Master Tigers have done a great amount to energize the party.

Master Tigers has decided he will not remain Party President into the coming month. I am running to take his place. My hope is to continue to renew the ULJ by getting all members involved. I am coordinating with Master Tigers to continue the Loli of the Month articles. I'd also like to encourage more activity, in-game, in the forums, and also in IRC. I want to build a party where anyone is free to have fun or get involved in politics. Then, hopefully we can bring some of that cheerful Loli spirit into our politics as well!

Lolies and everyone, blessings into the new year.