[UKRP] Unity Party? More like UnUnity Party. Amirite?

Day 2,952, 07:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

This article is brought to you by the eUK's attitude to Combat Orders:

'Whether we have them or not, we'll criticise the government until they rot'

Why Not Join UKRPee?

Hello dearest readers,

So the UKRP are trying to regain its rightful are the largest boneyard of multis in the eUK. To do this we're trying to advertise ourselves in weird and wonderful ways. To continue this tradition I shall be offering out one of those gift things that the admins are raving about to whoever can answer the riddle at the end of the article.

Apparently I needed something from 'Pointless'

Now for a bit of cheesy over the top advertising where I'll use a really crap tagline from the horrendously out of date and unusable UKRP wiki page.

“ Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to improve. We shall push on, tirelessly, relentlessly, to ensure that the citizens of the United Kingdom are cared for, and have the ability to do as they choose. Today, Tomorrow, Together, the UKRP. ”

So I Can't Be Bothered To Write Any More

Onto the riddle you've all skipped to the bottom to look for. First person with the correct answer in the comments wins I guess. So I guess it's the first person to google the answer. Oh and another thing. Because I want people to join UKRP you must be in UKRP to win. Don't like the rules? Unlucky.
Riddle: How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?

Thanks for reading I guess, I'd rather you fight in Algarve for the eUK though.

Vote this up or I'll cry.

The Original Titlewhore

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