[UKPP] Thank You, Moving Forward, Etc.

Day 1,894, 12:24 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by lancer450

Fellow UKPP’ers and fellow eUK’ers,

Congress Results

I would like to begin this article by giving many thanks to all of those who voted for and supported the UKPP in yesterday’s congressional election. I commend you all. I also give congratulations to our newly elected congress members and wish all of them luck as they enter in to their upcoming terms.

The UKPP is a party that is unwavering in our support of new players and is resolute in giving them a chance to get involved whilst also giving older players, with the same dedication and commitment, the same opportunity. Yesterday, the UKPP was delighted to see four new members of congress elected for the very first time ever. The UKPP were also proud to offer the Workers’ Rights Party a platform to field two candidates of their own, including FightAndProduce and Huey George. The friendship between our two parties has most certainly strengthened over the past couple of months and I have the hope that it will continue to strengthen into the future.

Personally, I was very pleased with the overall results of yesterday’s election in which we now have one more member of congress than we did just last month. Given that, I am confident that the UKPP’s dedication to championing and assisting new players as well as promoting inclusive progress will continue on despite what some of its detractors may say or believe. We will progress together! UKPP for a better tomorrow!


Our recruitment efforts have seen tremendous success recently. We are continuing to see growth in our party membership and it is most certainly a welcomed sign of progress within our party. I just want to take this moment to commend my recruitment team and thank all of those who have volunteered to help out, including the members of the mentor team whom have helped to retain the players we have been able to recruit. Here's to further success!

Party Meeting

On the 27th of January at 7pm GMT on rizon (IRC) in the #ukpp channel, there will be a party meeting. I would encourage all new players that would like to get involved in politics and government to attend. However, the meeting will be very informative for older players as well as there is a variety of topics on the agenda and everybody’s input is welcomed, so this is not a meeting restricted to new players.

Regrettably, I will be unable to attend the meeting. Although, my vice party president, Sambo112, will be there to make up for my absence. Besides that, try to come and get involved!

Country President Election

The Country President Election is nine days away and campaigning has already begun. Anybody interested in running for Country President is encouraged to privately message me and I will be sure to place you on the party-wide ballot that will go out to our members whom will then choose who will receive the support of the UKPP. I must reiterate, if you wish to obtain the support of the UKPP then please message me as soon as you possibly can. If you fail to do this, then don’t expect UKPP support on election day.

Once again, thank you to those who voted yesterday. We appreciate it. Also, all UKPP’ers please remember to try to attend the meeting on the 27th. And, any CP candidates that wish to earn the support of the UKPP, please remember to message me as soon as possible.

Hail the UKPP!
Hail the eUK!

Kind regards,

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