[Thomas Paine] Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

Day 727, 00:10 Published in France Serbia by Monte_Casino

Dear readers,

Today’s issue shall be written in English, for the reason that the events happening within the eFrench society should be known by the rest of the eWorld, so please do vote it up.

Lately, has you may have noticed, an impeachment proposal was made against the eFrench President, by a member of the congress. Since the battle of Slavonia, and the day that eHungarians and eSerbian attempted to conquer this eCroatian region, a huge controversy started in our country, on: 1)the role of eFrance in PEACE, 2)the role of our ePresident in France.
While the population was waiting for answers concerning the point 1), it also started asking the question of point 2).

We finally got from the answer that nothing would actually change; the status quo would be maintained. We would keep our role of lackeys in PEACE, leave alone one true friend eItaly, yet in the same time we would sign peace treaties with E/B nations.
How can any decision in the world be more contradictory in its very own essence?

People’s dissatisfaction increased day after day toward this presidency which is apparently nothing more than a totalitarian regime, which ultimately led a congressman to launch an impeachment procedure awaited by many, feared by others.

The congressman who launched this motion will be punished for his behavior, and the people within the government, who showed, even the slightest support to this measure, have already been fired. No opposition being tolerated in this modern Monarchy.

Until now, it seems that this impeachment won’t pass, due in a large part to the fact that the impeachment proposal was really screw*d up by the congressman who launch it (no debate area, no public explanation, nothing at all, really a shame), but the matter is still there, and the fact is that a very large portion of the eFrench society is unhappy with the way things are being made and done in the name of our country (e.g.:total absence of communication, leadership, decisions, goals, well absence of whatever could make the game interesting for us basically...)

So, to all our Allied, Friends, and Foes, we are still here!

Now please Ms. President, Lead, Follow, or get out of the way!

Using a QWERTY keyboard, and a Chinese spelling helper.

Further reading:

Here !