[The Pony] Week Ending 2700

Day 2,700, 13:41 Published in USA USA by Pony Express
This is Pony 2700

[Pony] - Week Ending Day 2700

Dateline: Sunday, April 12th, 2015 - Day 2700
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House
Pony Express Editor: smee was here

The Pony Express is a direct extension of the White House Press Report. Here you will find links to the latest editions of every US Government publication, as well as articles written by Cabinet members and prominent citizens in their own newspapers.

At the sole discretion of the Editor, interesting articles from the US and even foreign media may be featured here as well.

Editors Note.

Dateline Day 2699: Ryanggang and Chagang Day 2699
Dateline Day 2699: Trekker's Address, Day 2699
Dateline Day 2694: [Trekker]Thank you eUSA!

Dateline Day 2699: B4N Gets a Upgrade!

Dateline Day 2697: Guide to eRepublik: eUS Constitution and Codes

Dateline Day 2699: Ryanggangbang and Cuyo
Dateline Day 2698: Samogitia and Romandie
Dateline Day 2696: Dainava and Kanto

Dateline Day 2699: WM: Aiding Allies, Foreign Recruit and Battle Priors!

The eUSA Forums has sections for most Top Five political Parties and several Military Units, as well as Congress, general eRep chat, and even games!

At the sole discretion of the Editor, interesting articles from the US and even foreign media may be featured here as well.

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Daily list of new citizens in the eUSA.

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Before clicking "Join" at these MU pages, read the text to find links to application forms and IRC channels.

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Some Cabinet Departments are always looking for more help and provide an opportunity to get your foot in the door to a future in government work.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

Minister of Propaganda, smee was here