Day 1,192, 19:47 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

The Sons of Eireann Party supports the most experienced, active, dedicated and hard-working citizens to stand for election to the Dail.

Once again we have a strong line-up this month.
Please consider them for your vote.

The Official Sons of Eireann Congress Candidates for February are as follows

Cork and Kerry
ian arbuckle

A very experienced, reliable and upstanding citizen of e-Ireland. Playing for 2 years, he knows the game inside out.


The famous PP 🙂 Step into his Office if you wanna know more.


Mise. Gimme a Vote please, if ya want.

Chris Cuthbertson

Very loyal and intelligent candidate, has proven he is willing to work behind the scenes in the past. Presentation

Brian Boru

One of e-Ireland's oldest remaining citizens. A Revolutionary Irish Republican. A veteran of the Dail.

Joe Hitman

co-Founder of one of e-Republik's most highly organised militias.


An adopted Son of Ireland. Veteran of World War III. Team player with a great attitude believing in always acting in the interests of the community. Presentation

Northeast of Ireland
John Snuggles

The man who almost single-handedly freed Ireland from British rule and founder of our great party. A Gentleman to all who call themselves Irish and a nightmare to Ireland's enemies. A true Son of Ireland. Presentation

Marcus Suridius

One of Ireland's most dedicated citizens with a work-rate un-matched anywhere in the game. A patriot of Ireland willing to give blood, sweat and his own personal funds for her. Presentation

Lliam Costello

The Son of the King, Yddub. Team player who avoids political squabbles and does what is right for Ireland. A great asset to the Irish Community.


One of Ireland's most productive citizens. Takes a hands on approach to everything he does. Has put a colossal amount of time and energy into the progression of Ireland. Doesn't suffer bullsh*t gladly.

Vote Sons of Eireann for a strong Ireland.
Click Here to Vote Now

Party President
Sons of Eireann

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