[SoMF]The Never-Ending-Story - chapter 2(repost)

Day 2,049, 12:13 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
The Never-Ending-Story

I always wanted to know how a story would look like if it was told by everyone instead of one person.
The idea of this "story" thing came from this forum-topic called Make A Story witch was started by Yannis de Leeuw.

->note: there are no prices attached to this game.

How does it work?

You as person who places a comment in the article will be making that story, all i do is give the first words and then you provide a new line to contineu the story and then someone else places a comment for the story...etc, etc.
After 2 days of this story going on i will begin a new article where i will write down all the comments from the previous article and you can add a new line from there.
If this idea is successful i might eventually need to leave part of the story in another article, but...... The story itself will never end!!!

A lot more story this time.
This is where the story goes on...

There were strange people under one name : Circle of Trust and although they pretended to be friends, they did try to make A better future for everyone, a better life for the all humanity but they failed and they only got(in the end) a very long list with ideas.
Then, a wise man, named NSD , said :
"we should all stop and elect a one man to guide us, to rule us and to show us the light at the end of the tunnel, as we are a good team but we lack unity.
We need a leader, we need someone to give us orders, and start bringing the ideas into reality."

So, everyone, decide to make to NSD a statue in his Honor and then they start searching for that leader to profit in each other's back.
But suddenly, they thought that NSD thought that they thought that NSD was not their true leader so instead of continuing searching for the true leader, they continued thinking about how others thought about this search and if in the future people would think that they thought that the people in the future think that they were pretty damn stupid wasting their time thinking.

Suddenly, blue dwarf appeared along with the blue monitor error making the one with the idea to search for the Leader to go crazy and call on his dealer and say to him:
"Bring me the strongest you have, as I wanna get the dwarfs get crazy too."

But when the dealer heard such a thing he say back to NS😨
"if you have dwarfs around you right now than this is just a dream , and you already are stoned."

That was a big problem for the Circle of Trust as the man with the idea to search a Leader wad taking in joke by the current Leader.
Then another dwarf appeared. This time it was red And the red dwarf sai😛
"no F**ing way I`m gonna be red in this story. I am stoned dwarf god dammit, i`m gonna be green like any respected dwarf."

And then the hysterical red/green dwarf brake the pages in millions of pieces and declare😛
"get a F**ing clue about it, keep this story on a logical track!"

The yellow dwarf couldn't believe what he was hearing, so he came too, and sai😛
"God Dammit! Screw you guys, I am going home! Bring back the Red Riding Hood, you evil wolf!"

And then a granny took a fart.
Although the people were disappointed to find that their HQ was populated by flatulent primary-coloured dwarves, still they believed that this wasn't the end but just the start of the story about the Sleeping Beauty which was guarded by 3 little pigs in a house of gingerbread and sugar-candy.

One day, Shrek woke up and he decided to eat some Belgian chocolate...


Secretary of Media & FUN