[SoMF]game - Add a Caption

Day 2,008, 04:36 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
Add a Caption!

What is it?
A simple text-to-image contest.

How does it work?
First) I place an image that has no text on it(most likely the first moments i go online). These images will most likely be something funny or cute.

Second) You type out a few words or expression or sentence/line that depicts or expresses what this image might be or could represent inside the comments.

3th) 10 minutes before i go ofline that same day i will announce witch Caption has won(this is decided based on what i described in the "second" point) and add a new image for the next Caption. his winning text will be added below the image until the text can be added to the image itselve.

Finally) I will announce the winner of the latest un-finished image/Caption and do the same as i did the day before. I will also replace the winning Caption of the previous day with a text-in-image version.

As an article will only appear in the news-feed for a maximum of 2 days there will be no more then 4 images to ad a caption to.

1 final note, The price to win: 20 BEF
This amounth is more then enough to buy a few high-grade weapons or some high-level food,... However you see fit.

So much for the wall of text... 😛
Here is the first image to... ADD A CAPTION

Cotarius: "You thought the smoke cames from the cigarette...."

next one:

Beaverss Tribute to Raskol: "what's yr problem dude?"

New image:

BelgiumGeneral - "Happy chair! He loves your butt"

Winners so far:
* Cotarius: "You thought the smoke cames from the cigarette...." paid
* Beaverss Tribute to Raskol: "what's yr problem dude?" paid
* BelgiumGeneral - "Happy chair! He loves your butt" paid


Secretary of Media & FUN
