[SoMF]Final summary - End of office

Day 2,054, 07:09 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
[SoMF]Final summary - End of office

Yes, the title is correct.
I will not contineu as Secretary of Media & FUN/Minister of FUN.

I intend to take it slower this time, no government, no politics(at least not much).
If your asking what you will do, i would answer: Not much/special. I will stay on the background. Most activity will occure in http://www.erepbelgium.com/.

Now i will first give you a summary of what i have done in this term.

There was no presentation of this term, therefore i will simply share what i did do in this term.

Personally i believe this was a less successful term mostly because of me not being available during key moments(moments that where ideal for this department).
Despite some mis-understanding at some point, my assistant Nihil.sine.deo was very helpful when it was needed. Well done 😉

: Add A Caption - In the last term this was the most popular item. This term it was less successfull because of my abcence and due to a mis-understanding within the department.
* [SoMF]Add a Caption!(single long run)
* [SoMF]Add a Caption!
* [SoMF]Add a Caption!(repost)

: Newspaper of the week/month - Last time this thing was very well received by everyone. This term it received less attention because, what i believe is, due to the political problems just before and during the elections(party-president & congress).
* Newspaper of the Week - 1° week June
* [SoMF]Newspaper of the Week - 2° week June
* Newspaper of the Week - 3° week
* Newspaper of the Month(June 2013)

: The Never-Ending-Story - This chapter of the story is a lot longer then last time because of a lot more active participation then last time yet it appeared there were not more participants then last time. The final draft of this chapter might seem weird and/or rude to some and it definatly makes litle or no sense. All-in-all it appeared that those who played had a good time doing so, and that is all that matter in this game... having a good time playing.
* [SoMF]The Never-Ending-Story - chapter 2
* [SoMF]The Never-Ending-Story - chapter 2(repost)
* [SoMF]Never-Ending-Story - June 2013

: How would you describe...!? - This game was concieved by my assistant Nihil.sine.deo who had published this game before in his own newspaper. Although it was successful, i did not spend enough attention on it to make a repost of it.
* How would you describe ... ?!

: The King Critically Lion Game - It was a good run. There was a small error for signing in to the game, but it was quickly fixed shortly after publication. Drawing the winners and handing out the prices went smoothly, so i call this a good result.
* The King Critically Lion Game
* [SoMF]The King Critically Lion Game(the winners)

: SoMF evaluation - I made this survey a lot shorter as that seem to have been the main problem in the last one. below you can see the result of that survey.
* SoMF evaluation(the questions)
The survey summary:
Finding the articles and related stuff did not seem to have been a problem. Based on the survey it appeared there was no specific favorite article. Avarage rating of favorite articles was 8/10.
In the "Newspaper of the Week/Month series there was a similar trend as all articles in general.

The Captions from the game "Add a Caption" had the most clear results. Most favorite caption was caption 3(Bring me to your leader. ( My plan works purrrfectly)). It had an avarage rating of 9/10. The other captions had an equal avarage rating of 7/10.

The Never-Ending-Story was a bit longer then the previous chapter.
The King Critically Lion Game had an avarage score of 8/10, whitch is pretty much what i expected.

Both me and my assistant received an avarage performance-score of 4/5.
I consider that a good score.

: Forum activity - This one is pretty much the same as last year. Altough i had an idea, i did not persuit it further. No new games, but sometimes there was more activity in the games that already existed.
* http://www.erepbelgium.com/

On more note: I have to congratulate a member of the government for a job well done.
Jofroi - Ministry of Laziness

Secretary of Media & FUN