[Rylde4CP] Go for the Throat

Day 2,173, 00:07 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

The other CP hopefuls have a bit of a step up on me after this years hallows eve. I figured it was time to write and play some catch up after all I've completed my yearly contribution to child obesity.

Go for the Throat will be my election and perhaps my term phrase this time around. I still love Fortune favours the bold though.

Time to give the players some meat to chew on. The rare bloody type Crisfire craves in every CP election. He didn't sign up for all of us to have the exact same cabinets and politely wish each other goodluck. Like i would wish good luck to an Outsider or a Squid anyways. Guys like Foxfire can attest when I run for CP you better put on your steel chin cause I don't pull any punches.

I'll get to the point right off the hop and start with DMV. So far all I've noticed from this guy is a willingness to fall back on Plato using funds to try and buy some popularity. Be it a competition or tax reduction. Why else include a your hungry i haz gold for you contest included in a CP platform article.

Smart move towards endearing himself to those running on a tight budget but on the same side just as shady as everything else that DMV has associated his name with. Guess i should just get Rolo to go out and start doling out tanks for votes on my behalf. Guess this is what were coming down to these days.

So now we have blatant banding of americans under one political banner, blatant use of multi accounts to fast track there political goals and now blatant bribery. Bribery is a common practice in the USA. hell they offer us a bunch every election to switch CS and go vote. Now I will say Blatant one more time just to annoy you the reader further.

I honestly don't like the idea of a powerful, connected influential american in charge of our country. When you run to the american president release statements of our current CP in a pm trying to defame him its easy to see where your loyalties lay and who after all is said and done comes first.

It was funny watching him shoot himself in the foot right out of the CP race gate with his tax agenda. If the Real life Canadian govt polled us on what level taxes we wanted to pay what would happen lmao dumbass. His strength is polls and asking what the country wants which is good during times of neutrality and indecision. But we have an alliance and a clear direction where the country wants to head for the future. He has already back tracked on the issue and is back to patting all his opponents on the back wishing them good luck.

I Hear he is also thinking of retrying MU funding but at our current tax haven rate of 2% this is not doable and is just a pipe dream that he knows people want to hear. If you want funding on the right then you are also a supporter of high taxes on the left. Its like he's choosing his policies by picking them outta a hat.

The country currently needs what Oinyo can't give them. The ability to make decisions and lead the country without holding week long polls asking what brand toilet paper to switch to while making vids of taking a dump while jerkin off his cat. Actually if he did that on vid I might even vote for him because like his current vids bad entertainment is entertainment afterall. Hell this is the guy who had a reward competition for prizes of watching when his dog woke up or took a crap. You want that kinda mentality leading your country?

Oinyo's already put face to curb imo by joining DMV's cabinet. If you drop out now I have a VP position for ya but you'll have to leave DMV's team.

I've contructed my cabinet team with the goal of having a clean transition from Addys productive term to mine using the same people that made it possible. Some internal stability is what is needed and something that i think i can offer. You can scoff all u want reading that but I've surrounded myself with enough of eCans choir boys to get some good advice.

I make absoloutly no secret of my wish to use the airstrike option available to CPs. The thought of the things i could do with that make me want to chug a beer close my eyes, point my finger randomly at the map and then push some buttons. I will be using the go for the throat mentality once we start moving forward with a military goal.

In all seriousness though I want to go to war but at the same time pledge not to break the current NAP in place with Spain. The last thing I want is a wipe as Canada has come back to life and for good or ill immigration is leading us back to the proper military strength of old.


I have always been of the opinion that when you pick someone for your cabinet they should be in your cabinet only. I've never seen the point of multiple CP candidates all with identical players on there team. You should make the citizen choose to vote for you and who you surround yourself with to do the job.

So all who i asked were also pitted with my draw the line stance on no multiple cabinets. I will also be implementing having each cabinet member pick there own deputy. Who am I to decide who they will work best with. Thats something only they know the answer to.

VP- Position currently not filled. In the process of looking for someone to start a hunger games competition with hundered of Q7 tanks and CC in prizes right before the election.

MoD- Klop
Definately has never been one of my biggest supporters in the past but thats not why I picked him. I want an Airstrike war and who better to help me not break the NAP than the guy who helped make it. We can have our cake and eat it to. He is also connected to all the main players of our alliance and all internal MU's for organization.

MoF- Addy "sure's SH** ain't my daddy" Lawrence
For a clean transition of terms I'll need his advice and know how and all he's implemented during his leadership. He also makes a damn fine Finance guy and will make sure we don't rock the finiacial boat. Who better to make sure all the past gains weren't in vain than the last CP.

MoE- Utat
He's French.

TLDR Summary

DMV- Guys past and present actions been to shady to be elected CP. Also don't know for 100% where his true loyalties lie.

Oinyo-Not a true decision maker or leader. Could see his term getting bogged down with alot of needless BS. Also needs a true campaign policy to stick too. Enough flip flopping.

VP- Soon to be filled
MoD-Klop will make sure we follow the letter of the law for the NAP and is Militarily connected and organized.
MoF-Addy is a Financial wizard and perfect advisor for my term.
MoE-Utat that french guy who does excellect work.

Campaign Goals and Policies

Preserve our 2% tax rate and keep Canada a tax haven with 10 MPP's.

Honour all Addys's Hobo Agreements and look at options for renting out Yukon and BC to current tenets or possibly new ones.

Look at using rental agreement money and or some tax revenue to fund CO's for military campaigns.

Work towards a direct military campaign through an Airstrike while preserving our NAP with Spain. Thereby creating activity and a reason to log onto this game and have some fun and entertainment.