[Rylde for CP] The Election alone will be Fun

Day 2,169, 14:17 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I figured what the hell might as well CP is always fun especially while its cold as F*** outside in the NWT. Also whoever started with the brackets on everything needs to be slapped and pissed on.

I know what your thinking this guy is nuts and a crazy emotional drunkard that was responsible for such wars against Poland USA and Spain twice. But wasn't it all so much fun.

Yeah we had a 8 month long wipe once but anyone who says they didn't have fun before that is a liar. We were tactically beating the crap outta eUK along with 2 nations that had around 300 citizens each on behalf of oppressed Norway. Then I guess I got drunk told some spainurd to blow me or whatnot and the rest is history. To be honest I don't even rememeber that last part or who it was. So hopefully said Spainurd with so much hate in his heart against me likes not even being recalled.

I'm mostly running because I'm currently not liking the all time low that DMV's CPP has been bringing into our politics of late. I also don't like a CP who Kowtows to the eUSA leading us as a second class citizen.

Promises I can keep

I keep my promises short and to the point i hate bullsh** and most people who play this game hate it as well.

-Will honor our position in CoT

Why? Because joining alliances is a pain in the ass unless your DMV who does what he wants without asking those he leads.

Will Honor all Addy's Hobo agreements

Why? Because we know what its like to be wiped and helpin out a fellow hobo when you can is the right thing to do. Also we we make them pay us. hell if we brought in 4-5 hobo's we can start our own little Homeless shelter alliance right in canada lol.

2% taxes
Why? Because being Addy's VP I've noticed that 2% gets us by with 10 MPP's and as a whole its desirable for the peons of the country as well as third worlders who wish to join for tax relief. We don't need anyone fiddling with taxes or promising to donate thousands of CC in the name of lowering them. Keep sh** simple.

i just came in my pants typing that word. I will give the country a cause to rally behind and great fun and entertainment will be had by all. I get half a stock just thinking about airstrikes as CP.

Not intrested in dealing with them on land deals or swaps there just to big to deal with. There 2 clickers alone will pound us into dust. Plus i don't like them or there arrogance.
If they were wiped and needed a region for congress eUSA would act like they were doing us a favour letting us help them. Yeah people like that can go be a cum dumpster as far as i'm concerned. No war or anything like that with them and as there CoT will help if needed and give full military support when required.

I'll be running a term of activity, fun and pure entertainment that you know i can bring to the table.
Bad grammar, awesome late night articles you have to decifer like the davinci code thats also me. Be it warfare or internal debate and drama you know you will get what you vote for.

Fighting off the trolls and loudmouths for just this article are worth the price of admission by itself.