[RN] Royal Navy - We want you as a new recruit!

Day 2,070, 10:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis

This is a recruitment drive on behalf of the Royal Navy. An apolitical Military Unit and part of the NFMUK (or UK-FU).

A new recruit signs on the dotted line

A random seaman of the female variety

"Heart of Oak": www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzN8iHiLjq8

"Sailing" by our friends in The Royal Marines: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNdTt5OCXvU

"Sailing On": www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO1mWv45cuw

So, what can the Royal Navy do for you?

We offer work for a nominal GBP10 a day, plus a weekly weapons drop, with our supplier geenge. Currently this is at the rate of 12q6 per day worked!

And ... we have a scheme to reward our sailors. Any sailor that increases their rank by a * will receive 10q6 tanks, any sailor completes a full rank will the receive 20q6 tanks - so that's 50q6 per full level!! Obviously it is down to our sailors to inform us of any promotion in ranks. You can do this by signing up and posting on the new Royal Navy forum .. Oh, yes, we have a forum!

And .. what can YOU do for the Royal Navy?

BE ACTIVE!! Yes, we do require you to fight, and fight smart. If the bar's over 55% hold your fire until the next round .. if you can. Seen the reward scheme above? Well the only way to get there is to fight daily, i.e. complete the Daily Order, and attend the weekly strike (3-7pm UK Time every Sunday - 10q7s plus food]. If you don't fight, without giving your Regt/Ship Captain a valid reason, you run the risk of being kicked, and lose your MU job.

Thank you for your time, go here to join: Royal Navy

Better just ad😛 If you’re under level 30 and an eUK citizen you can receive 500 energy every day! You can also receive a mentor who will help you with anything you need. Click here to apply for the NHS!

Looking forward to seeing you on board sometime.

Neil Lewis
The Royal Navy

Royal Navy IRC channel: http://tinyurl.com/bmcps67

Royal Navy Forum SignUp: http://tinyurl.com/brr56qh

Royal Navy Ranking System: http://tinyurl.com/c984t3e

Oh, I'm currently Captain of Regt/Ship 6 aka HMS Ark Royal. Here's something my crew did in their spare time ... when they should've been scrubbing the decks!: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id63iSuprDs