"I steered them(Hungarians)because I wanted them to take out something evil"~PTH

Day 1,004, 14:54 Published in USA USA by Candor

"Gather the family 'round and grab some popcorn..."

Pizza Party Radio: A subjective opinion piece Part 3

I’m going to continue to give you a quick low-down on the significant parts of the Pizza Party Radio Show (subjectively), for those who would prefer not to spend an hour or two listening.

NOTE: Anyone is welcome to PM me with a correction if you believe anyone has been misquoted. I will confirm, and correct.

Quick, quick summation:

70 minutes long, Krems best interview (again), some technical problems, Pizza’s does a better job organizing his thoughts, admits leading Hungarian voters in the PP race in eUS, and declares we are in a state of Civil War. Only three callers made it on air: Mattoze5, Garven Dreis, and President Krems. A disappointment (caller-wise), I enjoy the random callers the most. Very few laughs. Color me sad.

Pizza apparently had some dental work last week, and he said his gums were causing him discomfort. Judging by a few literal yawns Pizza shared throughout the hour, I would guess he may be taking some pain medication as well.

President of The United States, St Krems, interview:
(Minutes 19-27:35)

President Krems made it on the air for 8 sometimes technically choppy minutes. But this interview proved the highlight of the show. Krems showed he can be a highly likable guy, polite, calm, relaxed and…rational as hell. He was respectful to Pizza, and seemed very Presidential. This reporter is an American, and this reporter had a twinge of pride hearing his nations President speak.

Improvement: Those who have followed my reports of Pizza Radio will recall that in a previous article, I had some mild criticism of Krems appearance; specifically that he wasn’t prepared with a list of bullet points to throw out. Not this time, holy cow.

Bullet point accomplishments: This time, when asked to list his Cabinets accomplishments thus far, Krems quickly rattled off no less than eight, without missing a beat: Revamping the Job Hubs, re launching Meal on Wheels, discussions with Canada in re Titanium regions, reaching out to South Africa, leading a tax cap change in Congress, MPP with Peru, reaching out to the Czechoslovakian Republic, and moving the API feed to Canada.

JCOS CommunicationThe President also discussed open communication with the JCOS, and, in his relaxed manor, assures the listeners that access issues between his administration and the JCOS have been due to technical difficulties, and went on to explain.

Accepts criticism: In what is becoming a refreshing trend of honesty and (may I say it?) candor from this Presidency, Krems openly volunteered that his administrations weakness thus far has been communication with the nation via articles, in his opinion, and that criticism in that regard has been valid. He assured us that he would improve this deficiency.

Two notable Krems quotes to share:

When asked if Krems put party or country first, Krems responded, “SEES has always put it’s country first”.

See what he did thar? Love it. Classic.

And, on another topic, ”…you led Hungarian PTO’ers (Ajay)”.

This is a subjective report. But in this reporter’s opinion, Krems knocked this interview out of the park.


Pizza had his thoughts fairly well collected after the Krems interview, and does a pretty good job sharing his thoughts for about the next 25 minutes.

Some Pizza quotes:

Min 25:40 “What you would call a PTO I would call a liberation” In regards to the recent attempt to take over the SEES party.

Min 29 ”What’s going on now is the eUS is in the early stages of a civil war”

Min 36 ”Don’t want me to approve anyone you don’t like, fine. Lay off my party. Respect our party sovereignty.”

Min 36-39 ”They want a war, I’ll give ‘em a war. But I’m willing to be reasonable”

Min 36-39 ”I’m trying to be reasonable”

41 min (approx) in regards to recent Croatian ATO efforts, ”Haven’t accomplished much” and, “Thousands of people overseas who probably aren’t going to get their citizenship back.”

52 min ” Yaawwwwnnnn” (literally, not figuratively)

And the one you've all been waiting for...


Min 27 Pizza: ”It's really in the eye of the beholder. I don't consider these people (the Hungarians) to be PTO'ers. I think they're just here to get rid of people like SEES..."

Krems: Incoherant (Krems asked a question, about the Hungarians, I believe. I couldn't make it out).

Pizza replies: "They wanted a friendlier leadership, that's why. If it wasn't for me, they would have tried to go for ADTP or UIP. I steered them away from it, um, because I wanted them to take out something evil (SEES)".

NOTE: I expect this portion of this conversation will become historical. You read it here first.

Overall, this show wasn’t as many laughs as either of the first two. But the Krems interview was good, Krems improved and fine tuned his showmanship, and Pizza has improved his commentary from either of the previous two shows.

Apologies to Mattoze5 for limiting my coverage of his interview, the discussion of eCanada just doesn’t float my boat, and I have to guess it doesn’t seriously interest my readers much either. But you do well on radio, seem relaxed. And you offer equal parts support and criticism of Pizza’s thoughts; you seem fairly “balanced”. There’s an obvious mutual respect, but a freedom to be critical as well.

Also, Garven Dreis: I believe he said he was a member of SEES, the conversation was as expected between Pizza and GD then. But it was polite, and GD presented himself well on radio.

The making of Pizza The Hut

Historical Pizza The Hut context

Pizza The Hut is controversial. He’s disliked by a significant number of people for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which are serious accusations of treason and conspiring with Hungarians (which he no longer denies). He also has a following of some consequence, twice having won Congressional elections, and once bringing a 3rd rate party all the way to a 5th place position in the party rankings, ostensibly through many hours of PMing newer players, before being PTO’d by a national effort to reduce his power in game.

Recently, he held a live radio gold giveaway funded by a controversial donation he received from a dying player, which earned him a Media Mogul medal.

The current President says Pizza doesn’t get his power from multi’s (though this has been a regular and prevailing accusation), but from strategic PM’s to new players.

Recently, the President additionally said this, “You led Hungarian PTO’ers (Ajay)”
~President Krems, Pizza Party Radio Show

Pizza says he is not an enemy of the nation, and says he has operated no more than 4 accounts at one time (“multis”, which if true would constitute a serious game offense), and in different nations. He admits that he once had an account known as Ajay Bruno. Old players often refer to Pizza the Hut as “Ajay”, a nod to that previous, and now banned, account.

Pizza The Hut has been declared an Enemy of the State by Intelligence (CIA) and Customs organizations (IES/CTF). The accumulated national intelligence remains mostly confidential on the topic of Pizza, though at times various government officials have released portions for public consumption.

Pizza continues to disagree with the validity of the accusations. Although, he no longer denies leading Hungarian’s in PTO attempts:

”I steered them (the Hungarian’s)…because I wanted them to take out something evil” (SEES)
~Pizza The Hut, in his third installment of Pizza Party Radio Show