[Portugal Unido - Artigo NÂș851] - WT: Cost of prodution (raws)

Day 5,311, 10:58 Published in Portugal Portugal by Alvaro Cunhal

Hello friends, we need to check the price of the things on the market and see how many is our loss in produtions. For this i not see the amount we turn back on taxes in Portugal, only the prices.

This is the result on day 05/06/22



in August of 2021 .... the profit was 19cc on raw food and 17cc in raw weapons and the WT was 20cc each factory.
1 year later we have unprofit on Raw food 24cc each raw company and you have 0,92cc profit in raw company of weapons. Now we pay 28,83cc in WT.

But with Daily Challenge Plato give some money ... now ... but the producers have lots of losses. What will change? People will delete the companys and maybe Plato dont give raws for people buy again.