[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº850] - WT: Taxa e produção

Day 5,309, 09:43 Published in Portugal Portugal by Alvaro Cunhal

This is what i pay in Portugal tax.

But look at this. We dont have better bonus and i think this happen in all world because we have some events.

The tax up 2,000cc in the last 300 days.

Of corse i have more raws or factorys because i improve on black friday, but i start with 159 factorys and pay 3325 - 20,91 per factory
And today with 194 i pay 5525 - 28,48cc per factory

Close more 30% each factory.

What happen in last 300 days? New daily order, some events (Easter, new year, anniversary, christmas, halloween...).

In my opinion, the game will give more money to all players and the tax's will up.

The price of the weps its the thing we can see better. Houses same thing. Gold ... price of tokens. All things are more expensive. I dont know if powerspin will resolve this probleme.