[Portugal Unido - Artigo NÂș848] - PowerSpin: How i lose my money

Day 5,305, 10:58 Published in Portugal Portugal by Alvaro Cunhal

Hello my friends! Its me again ... and again ... i gonna explain "HOW I LOOSE MY MONEY" - On PowerSpin...

When i start, i start with 5.100.000,00 (aprox) and normally the money up a lot and dont fall.
I know ... 500g its 385.000,00cc and i use 822.700,00cc maybe is not good, but the first 2 Jackpots are early and i want the gold to use on Black Friday tomarrow i will lose more ...

Let's check what happen and im happy because i think i earn good prizes for this new event.

My storage


A litle diference on the image ... but maybe i get another Free ... i dont know.