[ONE] Parallel Universes

Day 1,469, 12:22 Published in Cyprus USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA

Dear friends,

Here at ONE HQ we are building a new world through the smartest ideas are made ever.
After publishing this über article, tons of requests are gathered in our message box that wants us to go on in a different way; publishing weekly magazine.
On the other hand we analyzed this opinion and decided to realize what eCitizens ask from us.

Well, this week we bring you one the most famous theories what created in the last 20-30 years; Parallel-Universes!

If you have some information about terminology, Parallel means; 2 different object which are facing each other with 90 degree, and Universe means; what we have to endure the retards of eRepublik inside of.
When we gather these 2 words, the new phrasal means; +2 universes which are completely different & reversed of each other like the Matter vs Anti-Matter.

For example; In this universe there's no country so called 'Macedonia' which is just a region located in northwest of Greece.
If we have to give an instance with pictures;

1) In our Universe:

2) In a Parallel Universe:

not enough explanatory ?

1) In our Universe:

2) In a Parallel Universe:

This theory is based on Super String and Quantum Mechanics of Physics. However Prof.Dr. Leonard Susskind (the Father of String theory) had never been so explanatory about Parallel Universes like Fyromians so far, this is the bleeding point of Physics and C.E.R.N. is having countless of experiments to pass Fyrom for 2 years.

We are such glad to have an ally like Fyrom who makes us proud...

Hail ONE !
