[NL] Running for UKPP eUK CP Candidature

Day 2,231, 11:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
Neil Lewis - Running for eUK CP

Assuming I get UKPP backing, I am offering the eUK a 3rd choice against the main contenders Kravenn & BigAnt as I believe I can unite the non-TUP & non-NewEra parts of the eUK under one banner, mine!

I know I haven't had any government experience, apart from a "supplier" role in the eMoD in Woldy's last administration [however the RL strains of finding a job got in the way] but ask yourself this; did the 1st CP have any experience?

I also know my main opponents have previously held the CP post, plus various roles in many administrations, and I cannot begin to compete here. However, unlike the both of them, I do not hide behind an avatar of an actress, or a toss-pot "comedian". I have shown my real face on here, and do so again:

I mean, seriously, who would want to admit to that being them if it wasn't?
I don't currently have the 'tasche

another one of me, before the hair started going white, as someone is convinced I'm using Martin Freeman's pic!

And you can find me on facebook too; link is on my profile.

Unlike at least one of my main competitors, I am a RL Brit and have stayed in the eUK since my ebirth and also stayed in one party, The UK Progression Party, where I have had 2 terms as PP so far; and been a MP[Congressman] for 5 terms.

The only change I have made was switching MUs from TUP Family, which the game put me in after I clicked Woldy's link, to The Royal Navy, where I have had the pleasure of being Commander.

I currently await confirmation of backing from the UK Progression Party as their candidate, and hope the rest of the parties, from 4th down, also support me. Together we can take on these titans, and win!

Thank you for your time, further articles to be published once we've thrashed out some policies.


Neil Lewis
Prospective eUK CP Candidate - UKPP

I'm real, I don't pretend to be something I'm not.
I admit I lack experience, so anyone who's also honest can get a chance under me.


OK, I want the medal/achievement .. who doesn't? Kravenn & BigAnt already have it. I'll donate the gold, if there is such a reward, to the NHS. If .. when ... I win.