[MoFA] TW: eIndonesia - eThailand

Day 3,874, 04:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by MoFA Republic Of eIndonesia

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Day - 3874

Dear Friends and Allies

we would like to inform you about the Training War we've engaged in.
We have a Training War agreement with eThailand as we agreed to the following conditions:

- The Training War is ongoing on Indonesian Ground, in this 3 regions: Kalimantan, Maluku Islands and Sulawesi
- Thailand should win the direct battles and Indonesia should win the resistance wars.
- Thailand will return the taxes to Indonesia once a week
- Both Countries should help each other in turning walls when it's needed. or at least help with CO.
- Both countries has common telegram group, so if mistake happen it can be quickly resolved. They do not interest in hurting each other, except enjoying the training war.
- If one of the participants is attacked, the other one is obligated to help its TW Partner and pause the TW if need.
- If eThailand make mistake likes attack other region eIndonesia which is not included agreement so TW will closed and both countries will discuss in Telegram about the mistake.

MoFA Indonesia