[MoFA team] First steps

Day 2,122, 09:40 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Greetings eBelgians and foreign readers!

Here is the first report of our Foreign Affair team. Let's go!

1. The MoFA team for September:


RL Belgian, past Military Commander of CoT and MoD of Switzerland, several time vMoFA, Kaad has a good experience of government. He travelled to Peru and Switzerland in is early eLife and get experience far away from Belgium.


Sheredyn Artiles
I'm Sheredyn Artiles, a newcomer here, former Spanish citizen. Journalist and with experience in Foreign Affairs and Communication back in Spain.

Mr. Wonka
Coming from the USA, Mr. Wonka is attracted by the diplomatic part of the game. He already worked in the US MoFA's team and is also doing well in eBelgium.

Jens was supposed to be the MoFA trainee, sadly he had to paused eRepublik due to irl. Wish him the best of luck!

If you have any question/remark, do not hesitate to to pm them in game or on irc!

2. War with the UK

"Our government is contacting the eUK government to discuss terms, and no peace can be expected before a week, perhaps longer, because of the national shields held by both sides and the game mechanics in general. Citizens should be reminded that they may fight for DOs and True Patriot medals, but should not waste resources at this point, as neither side can overcome the shield advantage."

Maresal Lengas, CP.

"UK government did not even answered to our pm. Since we proposed them UK to cancel any AS operation, peace talk should have been engaged by the British side. Is the war something more than shutting down an AS?"

Kaad, MoFA

3. Current situation of the eWorld

Belgium is currently at war with the UK, but what are other countries doing?

Bulgaria is the current huge front. They AS Littuania to escape from Romania, but Romania is AS them! D4, do 100M damage or you won't get any chance to go in top 5 of a battle!

Slovenia is attacked by 4 countries at the same time. Croatia blocked Serbia and and continue to free Italian regions.

USA got the advantage back from Poland. Mexico NE Poland so Spain NE Mexico... Mexico shut down it's NE against Poland is now concentrate on its Spanish front.

Argetina wiped Brazil! After signing a NAP with Chile, they were free to attack Brazil.

Serbia after NE Macedonia and BIH is finishing Croatian core regions. The strongest country in the game will be soon able to reconquest its bonus.

4. MPPs

Belgium was usualy signing 3 mpp per month. Reacting to the british agression, we had to sign several other mpp. We received suport from all our allies and more.

We have signed an historical mpp with France! Only few month after the French invasion, became quite friends. Since CoTWO war, France became a mostly pro-CoT country and so an allied.

We also signed an important mpp with Germany, wich is also symbolic since last UK wars where against Germany.

Belgium will sign as much mpp as we will need. Everything will depend if the UK take it as a TW or a NE.

5. Thanks to foreign CPs & MoFAs messages

Our MoFA team acted fastly after being in place: we had as priority to find first an agreement with the UK.

The other priority was to keep good relations with other other countries. I must congratulate my vMoFAs which made a very good job there contacting the CPs. We had answer back, sometimes surprising such as Serbian and Hungarian CPs which have at the moment very opposed relations with Belgium! I'm using this article to thanks all CPs that answered us!

I, as MoFA was also pm personally by The Netherlands and Poland. A thank them for their initiative and hope we could keep the best relations as possible!

6. The ambassador program

We are seeking ambassadors to join our MoFA team. This is a great way to get involved in helping eBelgium and to make friends in other eCountries at the same time. No experience is required. If you are interested, send a message to (you? Mr. Wonka?), letting us know what languages you speak and what countries you might be interested in contacting. We have instructions and a reporting system set up and ready to help you. Join the ambassador program and see the eWorld!

MaryamQ, vCP

7. Sharing experience!

"I want to mention that they are made a good start with introducing our government to other eCountries all over the world."

Maresal Lengas, CP

"My experience in the Belgian FA cabinet has been quite good so far. I feel like everyone is doing something, working together to do a part of the job, and that feeling is great. I think my first steps in this community are being good 😛"

Sheredyn Artiles, vMoFA

"So far my experience in Maresal's Foreign affairs cabinet has been great and my experience in Belgium has been equally great, belgium is a very nice community. The cabinet is working very well together and we are all participating and helping each other out. The people I have met in Belgium have helped me a lot and I would like to thank them for that."

Mr. Wonka, vMoFA

Your MoFA team will try to keep you informed about the current situation.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day/night!

With love & respect,

Maresal Lengas, CP
MaryamQ, vCP
Kaad, MoFA
Sheredyn Artiles, vMoFA
Mr. Wonka, vMoFA