[MoFA] Repost: Indonesia - Singapore TW

Day 3,660, 22:55 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by MoFA Republic Of eIndonesia

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Dear friends and allies,

we would like to inform you about the Training War we've engaged in. The tl;dr version is: we have a Training War agreement with eSingapore until day 3676, and in accordance with said agreement, we need to lose every direct war against them, and win the RWs. We would be thankful if you can avoid hunting BHs in our side and - in the process - tipping the bar to the wrong side.

Signed agreement of our Training War can be found here, and below we provide you with an excerpt of said article.

The governments of eIndonesia and eSingapore have agreed on a framework for Training Wars according to the following conditions:

1. A Training War following this framework can be started when agreed by the CP of eIndonesia and eSingapore.

2. Regions that are eligible for conquest doing the Training War are; 1) Lesser Sunda Islands, 2) Maluku Island, 3) Sulawesi and 4) Kalimantan.
2a. Under no circumstances should the Training War touch upon Java, Papua, and Sumatra (excluding the start of the Training War, wherein Sumatra is needed as the bridge), as Indonesians have holdings built in these regions.
2b. eSingapore's region is off-limits.

3. Tax revenue generated by these regions will be repaid to eIndonesia every seven days (a week) period or until the Training War period ends.

4. The Training War will cover the period of eRepublik anniversary term plus two weeks, namely days 3658 - 3676 (including day 3676). Extension of the Training War can be done if requested and agreed by both parties.

5. Pattern of Training Wars is as follows; direct wars will be won by eSingapore, and RWs will be won by eIndonesia.
5a. eSingapore will NE eIndonesia first.
5b. eSingapore will attack Sumatra and win.
5c. eSingapore will attack Kalimantan next and win; as soon as possible, an RW in Sumatra will be opened. The Training War hereafter will continue in the regions open for conquest (see [2]).

6. Included parties must encourage their citizens and allies to fight on the side necessary to uphold the Training War, even though this might mean fighting against their own country (and thus not earning True Patriot damage). Encouragements include setting DO’s, CO’s, and releasing articles “forbidding” people from fighting against the agreement, etc.

7. Should any terms above be breached, the disadvantaged party can push for cease fire to end the Training War; and both parties will work together to return to their original state as soon as possible.

I haven't done a good job in reaching out to everyone, but know that, the moment you reach out to me, I'd try my best not to let go.
With respect,
eIndonesian's Minister of Foreign Affair

Nurmillaty A.M