[MoFA] Mitsurugi of Foreign Affairs

Day 810, 01:10 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Reiji Mitsurugi rides in style to the Ministry

Countrymen, I address you today, in praise of His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto, as your new Minister of Foreign Affairs. By His Grace, there will be certain changes to the Ministry, while some things remain the same. But through it all, my top priority will be to keep you, the Japanese people, informed and involved.

As international affairs in Asia begin to cool, as the eyes of the world and its battlefields shift to Europe, I have been thankfully given a period of relative calm in which to test my ministerial mettle. Under His Watchful Gaze, however, I promise I will not take that for granted. I vow to give all I have to give to the Ministry and you, the Japanese people.

Gaimushō, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

So what will change? The most apparent change will take place in this newspaper, the Voice of Japan. I will regularly (at least weekly) publish a foreign affairs bulletin (I have chosen to cleverly title it “Foreign Affairs”) with which you, the Japanese people, may educate yourselves not only on the most important developments in foreign lands, but your government's position on them. For this project in particular, I must thank Joey Sonno, who has not only agreed to continue his work as Director of Ambassadorial Affairs, but will also be responsible for collecting stories for my new bulletin. May His Majesty smile upon him.

It could use some changes

The Ministry remains committed to East Asian unity, and we shall redouble our efforts to create, renew or rebuild an organized assembly of allied East Asian nations (OAAEAN? Well, I won't be in charge of acronyms). Even those countries that do not bow to the Japanese Emperor are noble in His Eye, and it is the mission of our Ministry to not only promote national interests, His and yours, but also to promote righteous dialog and action among nations.

The Foreign Ministry does important work!

The Ministry needs you! Do you speak a language that is neither Japanese nor English? Are you willing to do translation work for Emperor and country? If the answer to both these questions is yes, message me immediately! Even J-E bilinguals are helpful, for situations when I can't be bothered to translate my own articles for the Japanese (or English sometimes maybe)-speaking population (like now). Do your part for the foreign ministry!

The Mitsurugi Ministry

In short, the Mitsurugi Ministry of Foreign Affairs is committed to the Righteous Nation philosophy, the Asia First policy and glorious unity, friendship, order and harmony in honor of our beloved Emperor.

May He reign for ten thousand years,

-The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-外務大臣, 禦劍令治, 日本の声