[MoFA] Belgium's Foreign Policy

Day 2,180, 16:13 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Good day Belgium and the eWorld,
I know everyone has been dying to find out what Belgium's foreign affairs policy will be. As we are a upcoming major power in the eWorld. Together gathering the opinions of the Belgian Community, the MoFA team has established our foreign policy for the upcoming month(s). September 2012 Belgium signed the CoT charter and joined the alliance, it has brought us great months and we stayed until the end. CoT has fallen, and things will change. The age of CoT is over, And a new age has begun. A age of uncertainty, interregnum, change, and most importantly opportunity.

Take this chance, not to rush into a new alliance but for a brief state of neutrality. Every action Belgium takes as a community and a government whether it be the internal actions of finance and education, or the international affairs of Belgium and defense, will effect Belgium's course of action. Brief is not a definite time per no exact ending date. Their is no way to tell how long this will last. We need to make a educated and informed choice on which alliance to join, we need the world to re sort and settle to see the clear picture on what is best for Belgium . No one is rushing us besides ourselves, We should always consider the cause and effect of our actions on our potential and old allies without proper debate, a art which Belgium has mastered.

intelligent in logistics, must be used to pursue a course that maintains our friendships and opens up new friendships. We have been evaluating our stance with allies, neutrals, and enemies to see what relationships we can form. Belgium will try to stay faithful and maintain good relations with our neighbors. Alongside , as Co MoFAs, Konrad and I are ready to handle the coming changes and ready to work very hard, so that eBelgium can determine properly our needs and the wishes. We will watch the developments and respond accordingly. We will watch and rediscover relations with other.

As a final remark; Belgium needs a state of neutrality. the world is unstable right now in a unipolar world, we should not rush into any alliance at the moment. A state of neutrality will give Belgium the option, autonomy and mobility to recreate and reestablish relations with countries which we have lost in touch with and even make new ones leading us into a more educated and informed guess for alliances. We encourage all countries interested in improving relations to join us at either #ebrussels or #ebe_mofa.

"Joining an alliance was a step in the dark and was for some of us a bit frightening during the last moments of the previous government, the CoT alliance disbanded itself and we come to a similar situation as on 1st of September 2012. There will be changes in our foreign affair policy and that can be frightening. We would like to thank all our friends and allies from the CoT alliance for the 14 months we had with them and the shared successes and disappointments." - NLSP

-Mr. Wonka
-Konrad Neumann