[MoE] All about Elections !

Day 2,010, 02:01 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

You can find an article about erepublik first steps here


The elections day is important, why ?
With citizen’s votes, it allows to choose the representatives who are going to manage the country.

When do the elections take place ?

Country President Elections (held on 5th of every month)

Party President Elections (held on 15th of every month)

Congress Elections (held on 25th of every month)

You can vote during 24 hours. Only the top 5 political parties (based on number of members) will have candidates for the Congress elections.

Elections begin at 9 AM. The election process will end as usual at 00:00 (eRepublik time), but for the next six hours the results will not be final. During this time Admins will analyze the votes to ensure the fairness of the elections. If fake accounts were involved in voting, the votes casted by them will be removed. So the winners might easily change if there were fake accounts involved in the elections

Which role do the elected people have ?

He becomes the country representative. He chooses his government ministers.

What can he propose ?

Now we will talk about persons who have decisional power in the country.

On the election day, the citizen will not see the list to choose a candidate but he will be in the situation to take an easier decision, to vote for a party.
The Party president can only decide the priority order.

About laws :

- For every proposed law, there will be a Debate link for the Congress members/President to specify a discussion area.
- Like stated before, the Congress Members can propose only 2 laws in a mandate, while the Presidents can propose an unlimited number of laws.
- If the law's voting process has not been finished, the same type of law can not be proposed.
- The voting process period for each law is 24 hours.
- In order for a law to pass, the majority of votes must be in-favor (in case of a tie, the law is considered to be rejected), even if only one vote has been expressed.
- An exception is the President Impeachment law, that requires 66% in-favor votes out of the expressed votes.
- The President can also vote the proposed laws. So, basically, the President and the Congress Members can vote once for each proposed law.

He must be a member of the party, elected by his party members.

he can :

-Edit the party details
- Select who will run for Congress from party. (See Manage congress candidates)
- Select who will represent party in the presidential elections. (See Country President Elections)

What happens if the party president is banned, dies, or resigns?
The member with the highest amount of experience points will replace him
If there are no party members with high enough experience to become the party president, the party is suspended.

if you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us.

How to connect to chat : article from Gyantse
