[國防部][MoD,eROC]有關將來的放地洗白 Memo about resetting determinations

Day 2,358, 21:42 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Jewelz Cheng


大家好,上次我們洗SK 地時,有外國團體看準了賺RW 章的機會,幾次搶開起義,把我們原本的計劃打亂

如無意外,新cp 上任後將執行日本洗地,所有非官方放地,會影響到我們計劃中不斷資源和防止殖民地亂提NE 的安排考量,國防部定必全力鎮壓,以制止歪風盛行,謝謝

Hail eROC!


Memo about resetting determinations

Fellow citizens,

We launched resetting determinations plan in South Korea in March. And there were certain organizations tried to earn RH medals and opened RW for us. And finally they destroyed my plan.

As expected, the new CP will launch another resetting determinations plan in Japan. As the MoD in eROC, I am officially announcing that, all RWs must be opened according to eROC government's order. Unofficial RWs may affect our bonus and may allow the colony to propose NE against neighbor countries, therefore ALL UNOFFICIAL RWS WILL BE SUPPRESSED BY ALL MEANS in order to stop this very bad habit. Thank you.

Hail eROC!

Jewelz Cheng

~2013 1月CP 葉赫