《日本在世界舞台的角色》-解放中国领土新路线-日对鸟开出最后通牒 Japan's Role in the World

Day 752, 03:33 Published in China North Korea by dawenxi

美国驻华大使新文章 说鸟盟对解放中国不敢兴趣 不会答应日本条件 因此美国已经厉兵秣马 下周将继续向亚洲开进 here

请阅读日本总统Dokomo的文章《Japan's Role in the World》
Please read article by eJapan President Dokomo

中文翻译如下 Chinese Translation Version
昨天,日本通过站起来勇敢面对侵略,夺回了她光荣和自豪。没有一个国家应该让他们的土 地在不自愿的情况下被践踏。我们将尽我们所能来抵御外国侵略和日本九州,并确保其人民 的自由。我军作战比以往更好,我们感谢他们为国家效劳。
日本已借助美国而跃上世界舞台。我们成为本周世界关注的焦点。作为一个整体亚洲局势有 些失控。日本周边地区的国家一直联系日本并寻求我们帮助他们的国家。与这些国家,我们 有长期深厚的友谊。一个争议的国家应该保护自己避免外国的统治,可以肯定,这也是整个 世界的正义。
我们的邻居中国一直被冷落在一旁,过去许多个月里都被外国占领。中国公民与米国合作以 追求其领土的解放,但美国人的盘算已经失败。他们对日本作战,但我不抱 怨他们。相反,我会告诉Phoenix。如果有什么事情发生在中国,无论是进攻,PT O,经济干预,或其他,我会在美国面前从九州撤退。
作为一个正义国家,日本也应有助于保证她的朋友的自由。因此,我会说的,中国理应拿回 她的土地我希望Phoenix签署一个合同,在服务器时间本周日23:59之前,返还 中国所有领土,除了黑龙江以外。如果Phoenix不能完成以上公正对待中国的条件, 我会在国会的协商之下采取行动。如果以上目标得以实现,我会继续保证黑龙江省和Pho enix在亚洲的安全。
日本公民们,过去几天给日本带来了可能让我们担心的最大的变化。我们希望在战争中保持 中立,周围国家的愤怒包围着我们,我们在亚洲的朋友们在遭受苦难,而我们坐视Phoe nix被屏蔽在身后。这不仅是对中国,对其他国家也如此。我们在舒适环境中成长了很长 一段时间,但却是以牺牲别人的幸福为代价的。我们过着安逸的生活,而其他人却必须在拼 命谋求生存。这种状态不能再继续下去,如果我们希望坚持我们信奉的生活理想,我们信奉 。日本不得不改变成为她原本想要成为的角色。我们必须采取行动,才能真正成为正义的国 家!
English Version
Yesterday Japan took back her honor and pride by standing up to an invading nation. No nation deserves to have their land trod upon, unasked for and unwanted. We shall do all we can to defend Kyushu and Japan from foreign aggression and to ensure the liberty of her people. Our Army fought better than ever and we thank them for their service.

Japan has been thrust onto the world stage by America. We are the center of attention this week. Asia as a whole is spinning out of control. Japan has been contacted by nations around the region asking us to aid them. And we have long and deep friendships with these nations. The Righteous Nation is a nation that defends itself from Foreign Domination, to be sure, but it is also an Agent for Righteousness throughout the world.

Our neighbors in China have languished under foreign occupation for many months now. The citizens of China rose up in concert with the USA to see their land free, but their gambit has failed. They fought against Japan but I do not begrudge them that. Instead I will tell Phoenix this. If anything happens to China, be it an attack, PTO, economic meddling, or other, I will retreat Kyushu to the United States.

As a Righteous Nation Japan also should help guarantee the freedom of her friends. So I will say further, China deserves her land back. I want Phoenix to have a contract ready to return all Chinese regions except Heilongjiang back to China by 23:59 server time Sunday. With the consultation of Congress I will act on any failure by Phoenix to give justice to China in that time. If these goals are met, I will continue to ensure the safety of Heilongjiang and Phoenix in Asia.

Citizens of Japan, the past few days have brought the biggest changes to Japan we could have feared. We want to be neutral in the wars that rage around us, yet our friends in Asia suffer while we sit shielded by Phoenix. It is not just China, but others as well. We have grown comfortable for a long time, but it comes at the expense of others happiness. We live an easy life of internal divisions while others must band together in a desperate attempt to survive. This state cannot continue if we wish to live the ideals we profess. It has to change for Japan to become what she was meant to be. We must act in order to truly be a Righteous Nation!

小道消息,印尼已经在加快节奏准备归还中国领土了。至于辽省,难度仍然不小,虽然鸟盟 可以为了胸牙之利益出卖壹浪,但是壹浪自己能否愿意为此买单,还未可知,不过如果鸟盟 其他成员和E盟一起愿意为了中国打上一场起义战或者进攻战,那么一个在日本压力下达成 的新结果还真是会让人有个满意的意外。
本来 美国如果进入亚洲 对鸟盟来说是最坏的结局。只要日本开门,鸟盟会两高铁全失,而且强敌在卧榻之侧,后果 让鸟盟无法控制。
现在 不让美国进入 而鸟盟自己出让一个高铁 保留一个高铁 这个结果是鸟盟可以控制的 其实也是鸟盟不错的选择。至于中国和日本,当然还是继续中立在两大势力之外。之前因九 州之战而担心中国被认为是倒向一边的国人倒也不必担心,国际外交永远是利益平衡的产物 。

刚才去浏览了一下日本的TOP news ,发现鸟国民众对此反弹非常强烈,很多鸟国民众在日本发报纸谴责日本,日本目前压力肯定不小。有兴趣的可以去看看日本的Top news
美国驻华大使新发了一个文章 说鸟盟对解放中国不敢兴趣 不会答应日本条件 因此美国下周将继续向亚洲开进 here
Japanese President Survives Impeachment; US Ready to Liberate Asia
Three days ago, the President of Japan issued an ultimatum to the Phoenix Alliance: restore all regions, except Heilongjiang (HelloKitty), to China or else he will retreat Kyushu to the United States and allow EDEN and the Allied forces a pathway to Asia in order to liberate them from the oppression of Phoenix.

The word is now that the presidents of Hungary, Indonesia, and Iran have refused the ultimatum issued by their Japanese counterpart and that they have no intentions of freeing China. As Dokomo is known to be a man of his word, a Japanese congressman has called for his impeachment as president. As of now, with over 19 hours left to vote, the impeachment has already failed 7-14, and the individual who would succeed Dokomo as president even came out lobbying against the impeachment.

Dokomo, proving himself to be one of the most shrewd and principled politicians in the game, will allow the United States of America to assault Kyushu once more at the end of the weekend, and then he will retreat it and allow us to gain a border with Asia, taking away Phoenix's ability to maneuver their soldiers to stop us this time. As soon as we are able to get into Asia, we will return Kyushu to Japan, and President Jewitt has already acknowledged that he is seeking funds to pay for destroying the infrastructure there. So, while Japanese businesses will be temporarily hurt with the American advancement, it will only be a minor inconvenience that, as I mentioned previously, we are sorry for.

This means that, next week, we will finally be able to make the move to liberate eChina. Americans and allies, begin stocking up on weapons and preparing for this. It will be a monumental task, especially once we arrived at Heilonjiang and face the wall that the Hungarians have erected. I must stress again, and will continue to stress, that taking this high iron resource from Hungary will be a severe blow to Phoenix's ability to attack us and the rest of the non-Phoenix nations across the globe. The United States, Canada, the rest of EDEN, Sol, and neutral nations all stand to gain security and a one-up in the fight against the domineering imperialism of the HIRIS-dominated Phoenix Alliance. No other fight that we have fought will be as important to our long-time security as this. Prepare.
还有熊猫号角报的新文章 here

关于回复中Chinesedragon提到的问题“不太懂的是为什么朝鲜领土几乎什么 都没有俄罗斯伊朗还不肯放?” 这个问题主要关乎各地区战略价值的问题。朝鲜领土作为缓冲地对俄罗斯是有战略价值的, 不过现在俄罗斯已经PTO了朝鲜政府,而朝鲜殖民地现在看来是一种累赘了,因此刚刚放 弃了两块朝鲜殖民地。
关于各地区战略价值如何考量,可以看我的一篇旧文《国土战略价值分析》 here