[GPN] Aries for CP - Updated

Day 1,990, 15:19 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime


It looks like I finally have time to run for CP. I have been interested in giving it a shot for many months now but time has always been an issue. Now that I have clear skies for the next 2-3months, it looks like I will be able to pursue this position. For those of you who don't know, I have served in our congress and as part of the MoD/MoFA for almost six months now. CP is pretty much the next step to fulfilling the few plans I have to improve our country.

Vice CP and Assistant Vice CP

I want to have a clear chain of command with a second and third in command for my government. I do this so there will always be someone online who can make a tough decision when necessary. I also want to make the assistant vice CP position as a learning process for someone interesting in becoming CP one day. This is fairly experimental, so we will see how this works out.

vCP: van Spijck
avCP: 2 bids (Still deciding)

Ministry of Defense

This department will be run much like it has always been run. The one improvement I want to make is turning Airforce into a D1/D2 bootcamp while turning Navy into a D3/D4 government MU. This plan will involve financing from the government to create care packages for our newer D1/D2 players, as well as sponsors. My inspiration comes from this Belgium article and Ireland's consistent bootcamp program: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-new-way-to-help-all-the-young-ebelgian-citizens-2253178/1/20

Mo😨 Thanatos the Magnificent
ssMo😨 Aries Prime/Open (for now)
ssMo😨 Fosite

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This department will involve a completely new reworking a system that I hope will make it vastly more efficient. I want to break each position into an area that specifically focusing on a single alliance. They will be following an alliance and creating weekly or biweekly articles as an update for all the community. I don't expect it to be too time consuming but I do expect them to be well informed about the alliance they are following.

I will also be creating a separate branch for a Polish Ambassador. The sole purpose of this position is for negotiations and improving relations. Clearly, I have a zero tolerance policy for buying our regions back, but that does not mean I am unwilling to have an ambassador attempt to improve relations for the future. This position and the ssMoFA TWO might be combined if need be.

MoFA: Kordak/Gepard (In the works)
ssMoFA CUA: Open
ssMoFA Asgar😛 SpikyJade2700
ssMoFA CoT: SpikyJade2700
ssMoFA TWO: Open
ssMoFA NaN: Open
Polish Ambassador: Open (Odan?)

Ministry of Home Affairs

I am combining this ministry with the ministry of recruitment. I expect whoever becomes the new minister of home affairs to also make recruitment articles. - If no one applies I will be handing these duties to the MoFA team.

MoHA: Open
ssMoHA: Open

Ministry of Information

This ministry is meant to inform the people on congress debates and other government decisions that are not classified. - If no one applies this ministry will be eliminated.

MoI: Open (ElGorro?)
ssMoI: Open

Ministry of Community & Coaching

I have decided to create a new ministry by adding community to the function of the ministry of coaching. This ministry has done such a good job in the past of creating coaching articles that I feel a new function is necessary. They will now be in charge of creating weekly or biweekly articles with games, polls, and activities. Really anything to make the game a little bit more fun for the community. - Still looking.

MoCC: Open (Zeeuwsmeisje/Shibitah/SKYJACKED?)
ssMoCC: Open

Ministry of Finance

This ministry will be running the same as it always does under the careful watch of Weekstrom. This does not mean he doesn't always need help, so please ask if you can help him!

MoF: Weekstrom
ssMoF: Open


I am going to keep van Spicjk as an adviser. Currently I have him listed as temporary MoFA. He has done a great service to our country and I would like to keep him involved.

Adviser: van Spicjk

Apply for a position!

I purposely left many, many positions open in the hopes that we will get new faces and more involvement from all parties. I also put in parentheses those who I feel would make a good fit. The idea is that everyone can put aside their differences and work together to make a stronger Netherlands. I even put aside my own view points to specifically create a Polish Ambassador position.

If you are interested in a position that currently has no minister, then please message Aries Prime.

If you are interested in a position that already has a minister, then please message that minister. If for some reason you are not comfortable with that or they do not respond quickly, then message Aries Prime.

No matter who wins, I expect we will have a very positive month ahead of us.

Aries Prime