[eUK] November Congress Election Results - final results

Day 2,198, 00:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
November Congress Election Results

We're not 100% sure what happened to the UKPP. Rumour has it that Dappy managed to fudge the party memberships with his New Era multies so the UKPP dropped out of the top 5, but this is currently unsubstantiated.

Turn-out looks slightly up from last month, but it remains to be seen what happens when the admins wave their magic wands.


10 votes were lost after the admins magic wand. TUP & PCP/WRP both lost 3 votes, whilst UKRP & ESO each lost 2. Amazingly, New Era didn't lose any; but that could mean that their dodgy members were elsewhere!

Even after the 10 lost votes, the turn out was up 12 votes overall. I've adjusted for THE UKPP/Ska absence & apportioned the UKRP/ESO split from last month for comparison, both parties show big gains as they probably picked up the UKPP/Ska vote this month.

Here's the next month's congress:

And here are your congressmen:

And a random redhead to cheer up the UKPP members: