[eUK] Jan'14 CP Election Results - the final results

Day 2,239, 00:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
Jan'14 CP Election Results - the final results

exit poll

Here's the state of play at 23:59 [07:59 GMT] on day 2238

Until the admins do their magic, we are up 5 votes on last month's adjusted turnout.

14:00 update:

And now, after the admins have waved their magic wands, 3 votes have vanished!! All lost by Kravenn! [Time for Dappy, Winnie & Co to start shouting, me thinks]

Apparent party support was high; but with UKRP & PCP not officially declared in favour of anyone, over 150 votes were floating.

And here's the results in another format:

I will be using this type of chart in future

And finally, as promised, a short edition of TGIF:

OK, not a true redhead & the background doesn't help, but them curves 😛