[eR]Stats of eRepublik

Day 1,062, 02:45 Published in Cyprus Cuba by Thindael

Erepublik.com has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 3,139. Compared with all internet users, this site appeals more to users who are under the age of 35; its visitors also tend to consist of childless, moderately educated men earning less than $30,000 who browse from home and school. Visitors to this site view an average of 25.8 unique pages per day. Roughly 13% of visits to Erepublik.com are bounces (one pageview only). While we estimate that 6% of visitors to this site come from Romania, where it is ranked #412, it is also popular in Serbia, where it is ranked #208.

Daily Traffic Trend

Erepublik.com’s Worldwide Traffic Rank

Average Load Time for Erepublik.com
Average (1.682 Seconds), 54% of sites are faster.

Where Visitors Go on Erepublik.com

Upstream Sites

Audience Demographics for Erepublik.com
Relative to the general internet population how popular is erepublik.com with each audience below?

For more info: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/erepublik.com
