[Enigma Novice]: Principals and views on the (e)world

Day 1,048, 09:26 Published in Serbia Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho

(članak je u engleskom jer je namenjen international)

This mostly applies for the real world, but some points of it are seen in eworld aswell.

Greed, coruption, bribery, crime... everyday stuff in world.
It could be pretty much solved with few more or less simple steps with some sacrifises.
Crime would be solved, corruption aswell but some of the human rights would be violated.

As first there should be someone uncorrupted, who could take over authority, become absolutist.
Uncorrupted is a condition, if that someone who takes over is corrupted the things would go from bad to worse.

That one would "reset" the country, start everything from scratch.
Economy from scratch, laws from scratch, everything.

Some laws would and should stay the same, what has to change is the punishment.
It should go by the principle eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
For example, thief who would steal minor thing would lose a finger, the greater thing stolen, more he loses.
However things should change so there would be more solidarity among people, help eachother, share with eachother.
Bigger steals, like bank robberies and corrupted and bribed officials should be punished different way. "To set the example".

Murders should be punished by death, as they still are in some countries or states. But of course, it would depend on circumstances of it. Selfdefense is a different thing than coldblooded murder and so is murder with right intentions.

Psychical and physical violence would aswell be punished. It would aswell depend on circumstances, but mostly it would be punished by banishment out of country, temporary or permanent.

At start of this, currency would change and taxes would raise, but only temporary. For this kind of thing, this kind of change you need a lot of money, that's why a bit higher taxes at start. School system would also change.

Thing that some people do not care about or like. More recycling and less destroying the earth. We already have enough resources, all we need is start recycling them. Now only 4% of all paper and paper products that are out of use get recycled. By recycling what can be recycled, we could greatly reduce number of trees chopped down just for that.
Wood however is different thing. Most of wood could aswell get recycled, but products wouldn't be as nice that come out of recycled wood, or i might be mistaken.

The oil. There are a lot of different energy sources instead of oil or gas. Electricity for example, of course power plants change the soroundings, mostly at rivers, but still not as much as oil does damage to whole earth.
And even hydro-power plants can be replaced by sun power plants or wind ones.
As for plastic, most of it could be recycled and reused, so again not much need for pumping a lot of oil out anymore.

All this stuff could at first start in single city, then a country, after that a continent and on the end a whole world. Of course whole world can not be lead by one man, there would be several of absolutists. Uncorrupted absolutist would aswell cause no wars.

This however would lead to overpopulation, but that part is for some other day.

Most of changes necessarily would be rejected by capitalists, who have too much profit from oil and other stuff and they could stop the whole thing at it's root. That's why this, or the perfect world you can imagine yourself will never happen.
Or maybe your perfect world is full of war, that can easily happen.

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