[Don 4 CP] Cabinet Update and Other Things

Day 1,810, 23:21 Published in India India by DonMogul
The Election

Men and Women of India! In just a little over 24 hours time, India heads once again to our monthly CP election ritual.

The decision we make for our country on 5 November is a choice between the habits and fears of the past, and the demands and opportunities of the future. There are moments in history when the future of nations can be decided by a single decision. For India, this is such a time. It's time for a new team, time for a new vision of what we can achieve for our nation and the region.

I am determined that the Indian people shall be restored to their rightful place in their own country - as participants and partners in government. I will put Indians back into the business of running India. I will revive in this nation the spirit of national cooperation and national self-respect, particularly mutual respect between government and people.

My agenda this term has two main focuses. They are:

• to promote quality

• to involve the people of India in the decision-making processes

I have used these crucial moments to prepare for the great business of moving our nation ahead and to making the democratic system work once more.

We shall need the help and seek the help of the best Indians. We shall rely, of course, on India's great source of cabinet ministers; but we shall welcome advice and co-operation from beyond the confines of the Cabinet Ministry.

But the best team, the best policies, the best advisers are not enough. I need your help. I need the help of the Indian people; and given that, I do not for a moment believe that we should set limits on what we can achieve, together, for our country, our people, our future.

It is time for me to step up. It is time for me to serve you in a serious capacity. It is time for me to become President of India.

Cabinet Update

Due to people pulling out and others wanting to join the party my Cabinet has had a bit of re-shuffle. Here is my proposed Cabinet ministry for the November term.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
I will be taking personal charge of the military, I have a number of ideas and experiments I would like to try out. Details to come in my manifesto.
Deputy: miltiadis1

Miltiadis will be taking (from my memory anyway) his first senior appointment with this position should I win. Initially he will be responsible for assisting me with the dispatch system. More duties will be piled on to this poor slave errr valued colleague as time goes on.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Arawn will be continuing in his role as MoFA. We cannot deny the results that Arawn brings to this Ministry!

Minister of Finance
Deputy: navincharles

Keepers of the treasury, guardians of the vault, dime squeezer! Well... that last one will be me this term. They will be charged with keeping track of income and expenses. Expect some reform this term!

Minister of Media and Culture
Wild Quark

I am however still in need of a Minister of Internal Affairs!